Chapter 57| Crazy in love

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Last smut chapter. Once again, you may need some holy water but the end is cute

"Are you crying again, Sweetheart?" Derek asked as they walked back to the trailer after finally completing the 7000 hours. Meredith sniffled before she nodded. "Come here" he pulled her body in and held her close. "I want to have sex with you" she sobbed into the crook of his neck. Derek frowned. "You can have sex with me" he chuckled nervously. Meredith with extra hormones was certainly going to be a handful.

She nodded and walked to the bed, pulling away all her clothes as he leaned against the kitchen counter, admiring her body as the bulge grew in the front of his pants. "Come on, Der!" She snapped angrily at him where she noticed his gawking. "Coming, Sweetheart" he tried not to laugh as he pulled his clothes off.

He started kissing her lips before tracing along her neck. He brought his hand to her breast, palming it in his hand. "Mmm-" she squirmed uncomfortably. "They hurt" she whispered before laughing nervously. "Okay" he smiled before letting go. "They're already bigger" he smirked as he placed tiny gentle kisses down her cleavage. She laughed loudly as his lips travelled down her body before he kissed her swollen abdomen.

"How far do you think you are along?" Derek asked as he peppered gentle kisses all over her stomach. Meredith's heart melted a little as she watched him. "I've been having symptoms for about 7 weeks. So probably like 10 weeks" she sighed. "We'll get a scan in D.C" she said as his hands parted her thighs. He nodded, smiling as he kissed her silky skin. She moaned before he even touched her.

He smirked and raised his brow. "Horniness is obviously a symptom" he chuckled as his breath fanned her clit. She moaned again in frustration. "You know I'm horny for you all the time" she laughed as she grabbed his hand and brought it to her throbbing clit.

She cried out, rolling her eyes back at the intense pleasure coursing through her body. "You like that?" He smiled before he ran his tongue over her clit. "Derek!" She screamed. "I'm-" she gasped. "It's only been a minute" Derek chuckled as he watched her quiver under her touch. "Hormones-" she moaned as her orgasm began to rise. "And you- you help" she gasped as he sucked her clit again. He hummed against her, the vibrations sending her over the edge, cumming with a loud scream as her body rolled on the bed.

"Me you say?" He smirked as he began stroking his cock, watching her as she began massaging her clit again. "stop being such an egomaniacal asshole and fuck me!" She hissed as he kneeled on the bed. "Torturing you like this is more fun" he chuckled as he watched her squirm under his hot glare.

She jumped up suddenly, taking him by surprise before she shoved him on the bed. "Ooo, feisty" Derek growled, knowing exactly which of her buttons to push. "Will you just shut up for once in your life?" Meredith remarked as she straddled his waist and rolled her clit against his cock. "Fuck!" She gasped as her head fell back. He smirked as he watched her, his hand involuntarily squeezing her breast.

She jolted away slightly. "I'm so sorry" he whispered suddenly as he tried to sit up but she pushed him back down. "Behave." She told him sternly as she grabbed his hands, gently pinning them above his head as she continued to grind her hips against his. "I like these stupid hormones" he smirked. "Oh I bet you do" she laughed before she grabbed his tie he was wearing earlier and wrapping it around his wrists before tying it to the headboard.

"Meredith Grey having a kinky side" Derek chuckled as he pushed his hips off the bed. "No, Meredith Grey needing an orgasm and her boyfriend can't keep his mouth shut" She laughed with him before grabbing his cock as pushing him inside her. "Yes!" She gasped as she began rocking against him. "Meri-" he sighed. For all the teasing and jokes, she was actually driving him wild and watching her crave her own pleasure had him fighting with every devil not to cum prematurely.

"Sweetheart" he gasped as she continued to fuck him; rolling her hips in different patterns as she clenched around him. "Now look who can barely last a minute" she smiled as she moved slower. "You're- so warm and tight and- fuck!" He sighed before he shot his cum inside her, his body shivering in delight. Meredith wasn't far behind, just a few more slow rolls of her hips and she was screaming his name as she jerked above him.

She untied him before collapsing on top of him, both of them chuckling as they held each other close.

"This is our last night in the trailer..." Derek suddenly realised as he stroked her cheek. Her eyes sprung with tears. "Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry again!" He whispered before he hugged her close. "Is everything packed up now? Will you be alright loading everything into the moving truck whilst I'm gone?" Meredith asked quietly as she climbed under the covers. Derek sat up and pulled on his boxers. "Don't worry about it. I've got everything pretty much loaded in now and some of our stuff is in storage ready for the dream house next year" Derek smiled as he walked to the small kitchen to make her a tea.

"I can't believe they've already started work on it, and we're going to come back to a whole new house" Meredith laughed as she pulled on his sweatshirt. "I'm excited. It's just as well we added a few extra bedrooms" he smiled as his hand slipped under her sweatshirt and caressed her swollen abdomen. "I can't believe we're having a baby." Meredith said in disbelief. Derek shook his head. "Me either" he smiled.

He brought her over a mug of tea for her before turning off all the lights and climbing into the bed with her, resting his head on her shoulder. "You're going to do so well tomorrow" Derek whispered as he ran his hand over her stomach. She giggled. "We'll see" she hummed before she shuffled under the covers and cuddled into him.

"I love you. Thank you for everything" she smiled before kissing him sweetly. "I love you too, both of you" he kissed her before closing his eyes and pulling her close, treasuring this last night in the trailer but the new promise of a future he never would have believed a year ago.

Home was never his trailer. Home was the woman next to him.

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