Chapter 50| The moment afterwards

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This is pure smut so consider this an early Christmas present.

It was almost as if the energy in the room shifted and it was no longer about the fear of the unknown, but the apprehension of the future. It was a relief that neither knew they were keeping in...

He grabbed her face suddenly and kissed her desperately. He wasted no time in dropping the straps of her her dress, catching her attention. "Der- are you sure?" She asked breathlessly as he sucked on her collarbone, leaving a mark. "Yes" he gasped. "I can't live another day without you" he said as they stumbled back against the wall with a loud thud. Meredith moaned as his hands roamed her body, the pain turning to pleasure. "I've missed you" she moaned as his lips traveled from her cleavage and up her neck. "I've missed you too" he sighed as he nipped at her ear, sending a tingle through her body.

They stumbled around some more as they made out passionately, trying to find the sofa but instead falling against his desk. "Ugh I don't care just fuck me Derek" she moaned before he dropped her dress down her body and threw it aside. He admired her scar for a moment before he began kissing down it. He wasted no time in pulling her panties down and shoving them in his suit pocket before travelling back up her body and kissing her again.

She pushed off his jacket and frantically pulled away his tie but she cut herself off with a loud moan as he suddenly pushed two fingers inside her. She cried out, the invasive feeling was too good. It had been way too long since they'd done this. Derek couldn't wait any longer as he frantically tried to unbuckle his belt but his hand fell numb. Meredith didn't make a thing of it, instead she just unbuckled it for him and yanked his pants down along with his boxers. "Someones impatient" he laughed a little as he rubbed his big cock through her folds. "Just fuck me" she moaned.

He didn't need telling twice as he thrusted deeply inside her. They both cried out, the pleasure almost unbearable. "Der" she moaned as he began fucking her hard. Her arms sprawled out, knocking papers and pens onto the floor as he pounded into her. "So tight" he sighed as he already felt his orgasm quickly approaching him. "You're so big" she gasped when suddenly he brought one of her legs over his shoulder, hitting her deeper. "Oh Derek!" She cried out. "You like that, Meri? You like when I fuck you deep?" He gasped breathlessly.

He brought her other leg over his shoulder and leaned over her, hitting her even deeper as pleasure consumed their bodies. "Thank god you're so flexible" He didn't slow down, continually shattering her insides in all the best ways. He brought his hand to her clit as he rubbed her frantically. There was no skill to it, just enough to send her over the edge with him.

"Derek!" Meredith screamed as a powerful orgasm approached her. He needed to let go, he needed to feel her lose all control around him. "Meri" he groaned. She was about to explode and she was going to drag him down with her so she purposely twitched around him. The sudden tightness being all he needed.

"Yes! " he groaned as he fucked her quicker, "Der- I'm-" she screamed before the most powerful orgasm struck her body like lightning and she lost all control as her body spasmed around him. He began spilling himself into her as the immeasurable pleasure consumed his entire body. "Fuck" he gasped as he slowed down.

"That was-" she said breathlessly as she relaxed on his desk and dropped her legs to his side. "The best sex ever" he laughed before slowly pulling out of her. She whimpered a little at the loss, making him laugh. His picked her up and carried her to the sofa, sitting her in his lap. She grabbed his bad hand, gently bringing it to her lips and kissing it. "You shouldn't feel embarrassed around me" she whispered. "I-" he sighed before he kissed her scar. "I know" she smiled sadly as she cuddled into his chest.

"We just won a Harper Avery" he said in disbelief. "We did" she laughed before she kissed him. It wasn't long before she felt his cock hardening against her ass again. "I think that calls for more celebrations" she hummed before she straddled his waist. "Hmm- what do you have in mind, Dr Grey?" He smirked at her.

Without much warning, she lowered herself onto his cock. She began to ride him slowly as the pleasure invaded them once more. This time there was less need for urgency and more need for intimacy as her breasts rubbed up against his chest, her clit grinding and finding the friction it needed. "Derek" she gasped as he took her nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue over it, sending shocks all over her body. "You feel so good" he moaned as the base of his abdomen began its familiar tingle.

"You too" she gasped as she began bouncing on his cock quicker. "Cum for me, Sweetheart" he commanded as his hands grabbed her ass and bounced her quicker to meet his thrusts. His authority made her clit throb as her orgasm approached quicker than she'd expected. "Der" she gasped as he thrusted into her. "Cum, sweetheart." He said again. It sent her completely over the edge as she frantically wrapped her arms around his neck as another orgasm hit her, moaning against his ear.

The vibrations sent a shudder through his body and down to his cock as a burst of his cum filled her again. He sighed against her as satisfaction set in, moaning her name as he rocked her slowly.

They pulled apart and looked at one another, "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too" she giggled as she kissed him again before climbing off him. "Let's go home" Derek said as he handed her dress. He simply just pulled on his shirt, not caring to tuck it in. Meredith pulled on her dress before she suddenly yawned. "You've sex'ed me out, Mister" she laughed weakly as she pulled on her dress. He laughed at her. "And where are my panties?" She looked around. Derek laughed more and patted his pocket. "Safe and sound" he smiled before grabbing her hand.

They made it back to the trailer and both collapsed on the bed. "I'm so tired" Derek yawned. "It's probably from your pain meds" Meredith said as she fought the urge to close her eyes. "Or the mind blowing sex" he suggested. She giggled. "Hmm yeah. Definitely the mind blowing sex" She smiled before he kissed her sweetly. "Let me make you some tea" he whispered before jumping up suddenly and walking to the kitchen.

She pulled off her dress and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a bralette before climbing under the covers. "Here" he whispered as he handed her a mug of her favourite tea along with a bag of chips and some salsa. "You know how to spoil a girl" she grinned at him as they began eating their snack. Usually they'd turn on the TV and watch a movie or something but tonight there was no need. Each other's company was enough and instead they talked about their night and how exciting it was to be Harper Avery winners. The sex was great, but how he cared for her afterwards held a special place in Meredith's heart. There wasn't a time where he hadn't been attentive and loving. He really was her McDreamy.

"Derek..." Meredith said quietly. "Would you like to come meet my mom? I'm going to see her tomorrow" she smiled at him. "Of course I would, sweetheart" he said before he kissed her gently. He moved the chips to the floor, not caring to put them away before he settled down in the sheets. She moved over and laid her head against his chest, listening to his beating heart. "Cuddling after great sex is the best" she sighed happily. "It is" he smiled before kissing her head. "It's not just the sex- it's that moment after- when the whole world stops" she said quietly as tiredness consumed her body.

"I'm going to marry you one day, Meri" he sighed happily. She hummed. "sooner rather than later" she whispered before exhaustion completely racked her body and she fell asleep.

Derek didn't give it much thought. He was too tired and tomorrow he had told himself he was going to go to work for a few hours.

It was time to get back to normal.

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