Chapter 58| Bigger than the whole sky

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I'm so sorry for this chapter and how angry it may make you. Also it's 4000 words I'm so sorry but it's probably my fav chapter I've ever written.

"Okay, do you have your Q-cards? And your charger, do you have your charger?" Derek asked as they stood outside the hospital as everyone loaded onto the bus. "Der, i have everything, stop worrying" she giggled as he stroked her hair. "I know, I know" he took a deep breath before he hugged her. "I put some ginger tea in you bag in case you get any morning sickness, and I also packed your earphones if you get bored on the plane." He said before pulling away and kissing her hard.

She moaned against his mouth, a heat scorching through her body before he pulled away. "Hmm-" he hummed as he looked at her. "You go" he whispered as his forehead rested against hers. "Wait for me" she whispered breathlessly before kissing him again. His arms cradled her body, kissing her hard a few more times before pulling away.

"Good luck and I love you" he smiled. "Love you too" she said before she grabbed her handbag and squeezed his hand 3 times before stepping onto the bus and finding her friends. Derek took a deep breath as the doors closed and the bus pulled away.

"You really do love her, don't you?" He heard a familiar voice come next to him. He glanced to his left, seeing mark stood next to him. Derek just hummed, not wanting to entertain this discussion with him. He frowned. It's sounded as if he thought is she was some kind of rebound. "She changed my life" Derek said quietly. Mark laughed a little under his breath. "We all changed your life in some way. You've barely known her a year, give it time before you put a ring on it" Mark pondered quietly.

"Forgive me for not taking advice from the guy that slept with my wife" Derek laughed dryly as he turned to walk away but then Richard came and stood by them. "You're out of a job now, Shep. You can go get your things" Richard said as he also watched the bus drive away. Mark looked shocked but Derek just shrugged. "You think firing me is a punishment, but it's a blessing. I met her. I could be homeless and I'd be happy as long as I had her. We're leaving Seattle, moving onto better things. Seattle has no hold on me, as long as I have her" Derek shrugged.

He turned and nodded at Richard before he looked to Mark and rolled his eyes at both of them. He walked up to his office and grabbed his two boxes of things and loaded them in his car. He made work of attaching his trailer to his truck before saying one last goodbye to Seattle Grace and driving up to his land which had began its construction work.

He helped some of the builders for a few hours to fill the time before the night came in and everyone left. He was sat on his trailer decking, drinking a beer as he looked at their dream house. Life was good. His girlfriend was pregnant, he was building a house and they were moving for their dream job. There was one piece missing from the puzzle.

"Hey!" She called as he answered her FaceTime call. "Hi Sweetheart" he smiled as he watched her cuddled up in her hotel bed. "Your cheeks are flushed" he noted. She fanned her face. "I can't decide if it's hormones or I'm getting sick" she laughed weakly as she stood up her phone.

"Damn! So no hot phone sex?"Derek joked with a smirk. "I'm just kidding. You need your sleep. It's what- 12am there? Sweetheart, you need to get some sleep" Derek whinged. "I know, I'm going too. I just wanted to call you. How was work today?" She asked quietly as she closed her eyes, the aching tiredness consuming her body. She knew pregnancy was hard, but her body ached so much and she was exhausted, most likely from the travel.

"Short lived. Richard sent me home so I've packed our things and moved the trailer. But Amy was telling me that apparently Richard is at a conference on Friday so maybe we could squeeze in one last surgery before our flight out Friday night." Derek rambled on. He noticed it was quiet on her end, her eyes barely open.

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