Chapter 29| Thankful for you

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Two weeks had passed side Dereks breakdown and it was finally nearing Thanksgiving. Derek still hadn't come back into work yet after everything that had happened. Meredith had managed to get his trailer back to the hospital parking lot so she could keep a closer eye on him, but he still couldn't quite bring himself to walk through those hospital doors.

He'd gone back to therapy as Dr Wyatt had kindly offered to take a short walk across the parking lot to come see him every day. And he was doing better. The first week he'd just stayed in bed all day and wouldn't move, but after talking with both Meredith and Dr Wyatt, he'd finally began going out on walks and runs, cooking dinner again and actually showering. Almost back to his normal self.

Meredith had taken his load on at work. After performing one of the most advanced and complex procedures on William, running Derek's clinical trial felt like a walk in the park. Amelia, Nelson and Lexie had picked up the rest of the slack, all understanding that Derek needed the break. She was tired, but she'd never let him know that. He needed to not think about the trial, she was convinced it was half the reason for his breakdown.

But after a long two weeks, she'd woken up on Saturday morning, ready to face another day, but she was thrown off guard when she saw Derek dressed in scrubs as he made breakfast.

"Morning" he smiled at her. His smile hadn't quite reached his eyes yet, but he was certainly doing better than where he was a few weeks ago. She was so proud of him for accepting the help and for trying hard to sort through his issues.

"Morning?" She said curiously as she eyed his attire. "Scrubs?" She asked as she reached over for the coffee pot which he handed her. "I woke up feeling ready to get back, so that's what I'm doing" he smiled at her before suddenly hugging her "oh-okay- that's good" she smiled widely at him. She glanced at his casted hand. "What are you going to do all day? You can't operate" she said carefully, not wanting to deter him.

"Catch up on paperwork, work on the trial, maybe you'll even let me hold the suction with my good arm in your OR" he nudged her a little. Meredith laughed. "Oh, my OR you say?" She flirted back. "Amy's been telling me all about you running the trial on your own, doing all these surgeries without me. I'm so proud of you" he said as he gently grabbed her face, kissing her cheek.

They ate breakfast and grabbed their things as they made it to the hospital. "Are you ready?" She looked at him as he stared at the building. "No, but I don't think I ever will be. I need to do this though." He said as he smiled at her before they walked in. They both got a coffee and made their way up to the conference room where they always hung out.

"I've got 3 surgeries today for the trial. I've been getting through about 6 a day seen as they only take an hour, but people don't want it before thanksgiving tomorrow. And then I've got an appointment with Wyatt at 2. So I've got a pretty quiet day. What are you planning?" She said as she looked at him. "I've got an appointment with Wyatt all morning, and the FDA need me to sign more paperwork, and Richard wants a meeting at 2. I'm not going to overdo it. These anti-depressants make me so tired" he laughed weakly as he sipped his coffee. Meredith laughed with him, grateful to just hear that laugh. "Look at us two with our McTherapy" Derek said with a laugh. Meredith smiled at him as she watched his go chest rise and fall with laughter. "I'm just glad I get to hear you laugh" she said seriously as she smiled at him.

He knew it had hurt her, that night, and probably scared her so much. He himself didn't understand his actions that night, but that was why he'd come to love therapy again because everything was begin to fall back into place, and seeing her smile was the best part about that.

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