Chapter 51| First day back

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"I don't want to go to work" Meredith whimpered as Derek turned off her alarm. He rolled over and spooned her body close. He'd woken up from the best dream, but now faced the concequences by having a throbbing erection. He hummed in her ear as her ass pressed against him. "Der!" Meredith laughed as she jokingly smacked his thigh.

"We could have a quicky?" Meredith suggested as his hands began roaming her body. He hummed. "Yeah, a quicky" he whispered before wasting no time and pulling her sweatpants down. He began massaging her clit with his fingers, making her instantly cry out. "Der!" She gasped as he pushed one finger inside her, curling it and hitting her where she needed.

He pulled his boxers down and lifted her leg up before slowly thrusting into her pussy from behind. They both moaned at the new found position that made him feel incredibly big and filled her to the brim. "Fuck Der!" She gasped as he wasted no time and began thrusting into her. "You feel so good, sweetheart" he moaned in her ear before bringing his hand back around and feathering her clit.

She didn't know what it was, most likely the lack of sex they'd had the past month, but every touch felt like electricity, like magic.

"Meri-" he groaned as he fucked her hard. "Im-" he gasped before pulling out of her quicky. She whined in dispute as he moved down the bed before he kissed up her thigh and parted her folds with his tongue. Her toes curled as he began eating her out and driving her wild. "Der!" She screamed as an orgasm overtook her body and she gave into the pleasure.

He sat up on his knees and pulled her closer to him, making her laugh. He began rubbing his cock over her clit before finally releasing over her with a satisfied smile. He stroked her clit with his thumb one last time before bringing his cum to her lips. "Mmm-" she moaned as she sucked his thumb clean.

"I need to get ready" she sighed as she stood up and made her way to the shower. "Me too" he smiled as he followed behind her. She frowned at him. "Wait- are you?" she asked carefully. He nodded and grinned as he followed her into the shower. "Just for a few hours, see how I feel" he said as he began kissing her neck as she washed the remnants of their morning lovemaking. "Hmm- come on- I have hours to work through here and you're slowing me down" she giggled as he squeezed her breast. He laughed as he let go and grabbed her body wash.

"I'm excited to be back with you" he smiled as he lathered her body in suds. She moaned as his hands massaged her shoulder. "Mmm, me too" she sighed.

Once they were rinsed off, they stumbled into the bedroom as they made out passionately. "Mmmm, Derek, seriously" she moaned against his lips. "Seriously" he mimicked as he kissed her harder. "Seriously." She repeated before finally wiggling away. She slipped on her clothes before she heard Derek behind her. "Could you help me with my shirt?" He forced a smiled as his hand tremored. She smiled at him as she walked over and began buttoning his shirt off, leaving the top few buttons open. She didn't say anything, she knew he didn't want to hear it, so instead she just pecked his cheek and made her way to slip on her shoes. "I can't even tie my own shoes!" He groaned as he fumbled with the laces. "Here" she smiled as she crouched down and helped him tie them up.

They grabbed one another's hand before leaving the trailer and making their way over to the hospital. "You ready?" Meredith asked as they walked in. "No" Derek shrugged as they walked through the entrance. It felt good to be holding her hand and telling everyone that they were together. The gossip and rumours didn't scare him anymore because he knew that what him and Meredith had was unbreakable.

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