Chapter 23| F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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The following morning, Meredith was sat at the nurses desk, having her usual catch up with her friends. Cristina, Alex and George were too busy logging as many hours as possible, leaving her and Izzie to talk whilst they waited for their attendings.

"You know, you seem different" Izzie said as she sipped her coffee, eyeing Meredith. She shuffled in her seat, feeling uncomfortable under the scrutinising gaze. "How so?" Meredith asked cluelessly, when really she knew exactly what she was talking about. She'd just had the greatest sex of her life the night before, how the hell was she supposed to act normal?!

"I heard what happened yesterday with Shepherd" she shrugged. Her head shot up, did he seriously tell people? Izzie watched her face drop, frowning at the strange reaction. "About your solo surgery?" Izzie further explained. Meredith's shoulders dropped, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god!" Izzie gasped. "You slept with him!" She squealed as she excitedly hit Meredith's arm. After a few questioning glances from the nurses, Meredith dragged Izzie into a conference room and closed the door.

"I slept with him, okay?!" Meredith said suddenly as she began pacing the room, picking at her fingers. Izzie laughed loudly in delight. "It's not funny, Iz! I'm freaking out here! I've just ruined the chance of becoming a neurosurgeon because my mentor is hot!" Meredith exclaimed as she continued to pace in circles. Izzie only laughed louder.

"Wow! I never thought I'd see the day where Meredith Grey freaked out over a guy she slept up with" Izzie said as she smiled at Meredith. She just rolled her eyes. "You make it sound like I'm a whore" Meredith laughed a little. "Oh yeah, you are a whore, but this is a nice change"

Meredith laughed at her joke, knowing she wasn't serious. Suddenly Izzie looked to Meredith. "Oh my god, you're falling for him" she stated, shocked.

Meredith sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I am not." She demanded as she went back to pacing. "Oh you so are" Izzie said in disbelief. Meredith just shook her head. "Don't tell anyone. I haven't even spoken to Derek yet. I mean he was asleep when I left. What do I say, Iz? Have I just jeopardised my career?!" Meredith said as she continued to pace.

As she turned on the spot to continue her relentless pacing and listening to Izzie's reassuring words, she was met with a pair of deep blue eyes stood at the other side of the glass, glancing through the blinds.

"Fuck!" Meredith whispered as she flapped her hands around in panic. He was her best friend, why the hell was she freaking out like this!

"Dr Stevens, Dr Grey" he announced as he walked through the door. He didn't even look at Meredith, he was too focused on what was in his hands. He held some envelopes, dishing one out and handing one to Izzie. "Dr Stevens, I heard back from Seattle Grace and Mount Sinai, both are offering you a fellowship in neuro-fetal surgery next year after your boards. The deadline for your decision in January 1st, if you could let them both know of your decision" Derek said to her with a smile. "Congratulations" he continued with a smile when he saw her eyes grow wide with excitement.

"Izzie!" Meredith shouted in excitement as she hugged her friend. "Oh my god!" They said simultaneously, bursting out laughing. After they talked about the pros and cons of each with Dr Shepherd, Izzie was paged and had to leave, winking at Meredith as she left.

Meredith's heart was beating fast; this man just sucked all oxygen in the room. "Dr Grey, you haven't submitted any fellowship applications." He said as he took a seat, sliding her a coffee she hadn't noticed he'd been holding for her. Meredith went back to picking her nails, that all too familiar feeling of self-doubt and being lost creeping into her veins and controlling her mind.

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