Chapter 60| Seven Thousand Hours

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This is the last chapter! There will be an epilogue and a one-shot series to follow which I'll let you all know about soon. I cannot thank you enough for the love for this book. I've really enjoyed writing it and so sad it's come to it's natural end❤️❤️

"Okay-" Derek panted breathlessly as he walked into their new apartment. "That's the last of the boxes I hope" he said before collapsing against the wall. "I told you I could have helped you! It won't be good for your hand!" Meredith smiled as she came over to him and fiddled with the collar of his shirt.

The sun had long set and it was now 2am in Washington. The city lights shone up to their new apartment, reminding him of the lights of Seattle. They'd been out for dinner until Meredith's pain meds were wearing off so they retreated to the new apartment to carry up some more boxes.

"My hand is fine. And besides, you're on bed rest" Derek laughed as he went to the kitchen to get a drink. He looked over their new apartment. It was small. They didn't have a bed yet so they were sleeping on an air mattress in the living area, right by the fire. Boxes were piled high throughout the small space, but after living in a trailer together for a year, this place seemed huge.

"I'm feeling a little better right now. I can help unpack some boxes" she suggested. "But first I need some food, do they do deliver here?" Meredith asked. "They left some brochures, I think I saw a pizza delivery" Derek said as he searched around and finally found it. They ordered what they wanted before both unpacking the kitchen.

"Okay, I'm tired now" Derek laughed as all the other boxes outfaced him. He turned on the fire as she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I enjoyed our little date tonight. A whole year together and only 2 dates, both at the same restaurant" she giggled before kissing him. "Mmm- that's going to change. With the hours over and all this free time we're going to have, we're having weekly date nights." Derek smiled before kissing her again. "I'm excited to just exist outside the hospital" Meredith said. "And I'll pass my boards next week and then we can properly celebrate" she winked at him as her hand trailed down his abdomen and teased dangerously close to his hardening bulge.

"But you're-" he stuttered nervously. "It doesn't mean I can't spoil you. You deserve a proper thank you" she smirked before she came back to wrap her arms around his neck. "You're a tease" Derek laughed as he bit her neck playfully, making her laugh.  "I can't believe we get a whole week of just us together" she sighed happily. Her heart hurt, but being with Derek and the  idea of a fresh start was so refreshing to her. "We can sleep in" he suggested. "Or stay up late" she countered. "Or cook dinner together" he said. She frowned. "You know I suck at cooking" she sulked. "Well then it's a good thing we have the time to show you" he smiled before kissing her again.

The doorbell interrupted their moment. "Pizza!" She called before grabbing her purse. Derek suddenly tackled her and threw her over his shoulder. "Nope! I'm paying!" He laughed as he opened the door. The pizza guy frowned and laughed nervously as Derek paid the young man before closing the door and letting her down.

"I wanted to pay" she whined childishly. Derek laughed, stroking her cheek but she snatched the pizza from him and turned to get a drink. He watched her reach on her tiptoes to grab a glass as she moved effortlessly around their new kitchen. He smiled to himself, remembering the night he'd called at her door to apologise, how she'd ordered them pizza and they got caught in a power cut. That was the first night he saw her, the first time he felt he truly had connected with her. That was the night they agreed on the 7000 hours. And now she was here, in their apartment together, with their new beginning, and she looked as beautiful as ever.

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