Chapter 54| Uniquely us

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Ya'll might need some holy water for this chapter but it's the last one before a little time jump so🤷🏼‍♀️

A growl rose from the bottom of his chest as she rolled over on her back. She slammed her lips against his passionately as her hands roamed up his scrub top and wandered his chest.

"Mmm- Meri" he sighed as her hands travelled to his waistline, tugging on the elastic of his scrubs. "Your mom just died, I don't want to take advantage..." He tried to steady his breathing as she pulled down his boxers, springing his erection free.

"Oh please, my mom was a filthy whore in her residency. She'd be proud of me for once." Meredith laughed as she began stroking his cock.

"Sweetheart, you know how I'm really hard right now? Well the more you talk about your dead mommy's sex life, the softer that thing's going to get so shut the hell up" Derek groaned as he stiffled a faint laugh.

She looked up at him with hooded eyes, desire burning through her body. Derek was the only one who could make her feel things, the one that could make her feel this way.

"Make me."

The dare was simple, only two words, but the thoughts it riddleled his mind were enough to drive any man insane.

"Oh, you want to play that game, do you?" He smirked before he pinned her hips to the bed. His skill is unmatched, she thought. Every move he made felt like a fever dream, that he had her teetering on the edge by only the sound of his voice. It was infuriating and delightful.

"Do what you want with me, Dr Shepherd" she teased as she stretched her arms above her head. He pushed up her scrub top and reached underneath to squeeze her breasts.

"You like that?" He smirked when a heavy breath fell from her lips. She nodded quickly, desire tearing through her body in a hot flush.

"Use your words, Sweetheart" he said lowly as he straddled her waist. "Yes!" She gasped breathlessly. This man was going the have her a screaming mess before he'd even touched her at this rate.

He leaned down to kiss her with gentility. "Are you absolutely sure? You've had a hard day and I wouldn't want to take advantage" Derek whispered in her ear, and somehow it was still so hot.

"I- I- just- I don't know what to feel, Der. I just need you!" She snapped at him as her hands tugged on his curls.

"Okay" he whispered before sitting up again. This was all new territory for him. They'd had plenty of hot and passionate sex over the months but there was a new level of trust when she'd told him she wanted to marry him and have kids. And now that absolute trust was being brought into the bedroom with them. Neither had trusted their previous partners like this; but there was something in the way Derek continually cared for her, never failing to ask her for her needs and wants in the sheets that made her give her whole heart to him.

"I-" Derek whispered as his hands trailed her body. She sighed under his touched. "Dr Shepherd" she whimpered quietly. He raised as brow, a smirk falling on his lips. She actually wanted this.

He nodded as he slowly lifted her shirt over her head, tossing it aside as he brought his arms around her body, holding her close as he rubbed his erection against her. "You feel that?" He whispered in her ear before taking her lobe between his teeth, tugging lightly as he got off on the friction. She didn't say anything, just gasping as he pulled away her clothes.

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