Chapter 59|The ghosts of Seattle

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(Not the final chapter )
They woke up to the loud clattering of rain against the trailer. "Hmm what time is it?" Meredith groaned as she held her stomach. "4am" Derek yawned. "I can't sleep" Meredith sighed as she sat up and looked around the empty trailer. She felt sick and dizzy.

"Everything okay?" Derek asked as he sat up with her. "So dizzy" she sighed as she leaned against his shoulder as she steadied herself with her other hand. "Here, lie down" eased her back and dimmed the light. "I think we should call Izzie and get you checked out." Derek sighed in defeat as he watched his girlfriend's ghostly complexion. "Ugh Derek, no! Because for all Izzie is now an attending, Addison is still her boss and I really down what her to be looking at our dead baby" Meredith snapped at him.

"I'm choosing to ignore your rude comments because I know you're just tired and hurting. What if I call Izzie now? No one gets treated for a miscarriage at 4am" Derek suggested. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just tired and cranky- i- no that's not an excuse because you're hurting too. I'm just in so much pain right now. I'm really sorry" Meredith admitted in defeat. Derek rubbed her back soothingly. "Apology accepted" he smiled before kissing her cheek. "I'm going to call Izzie and see how we can help you" he said before jumping out the bed and walking outside.

A few minutes later he came back in. "Okay, so we're going to got to the hospital and Izzie's set up a room out of the way from everyone and she's going to check you over and she'll assess it from there, okay sweetheart?" Derek explained as he brushed the hair from her face. "Okay" she whispered nervously. He kissed her, calming her nerves instantly.

They got ready but Meredith really couldn't be bothered so she just went in her sweatpants and Derek's sweatshirt. They made it to the hospital and met up with Izzie before following her downstairs and into an old consult room.

"If you just get on the bed and I'll do a scan first and we'll take it from there, okay?" Izzie smiled at her. Meredith nodded and revealed her abdomen as she sat on the bed. Izzie applied the cold gel and ran the ultrasound across her. Meredith watched the screen as their little baby came to view. "Oh wow" Derek whispered sadly before looking to his girlfriend. Meredith's eyes filled with tears before turning her head away. Izzie continued her work before eventually shutting off the monitor and turning to them both.

"So it looks like you've had an early placental abruption which has caused the miscarriage." Izzie said sadly. She didn't need to explain it to them, they were doctors, they knew. "So I can't have kids?" Meredith asked quietly. Derek sighed and scrunched his eyes closed, wishing this nightmare would go away.

"You can, but with each pregnancy, the higher chance this will happen. You've had two miscarriages already, so yes...I'd say the chance of you having a kid is around 15%. I'm so sorry, both of you" Izzie grabbed both of their hands.

"O-okay" Derek said as he stroked Meredith's arm. "Where do we go from here? She's still in pain" Derek asked as he pulled down her sweatshirt. "I can do a D&C but she'll still be in pain and also I'd have to take her up to the maternity unit and I understand why you dont want Addison there. Or you can pass the baby naturally and I'll give you some medication. But I'll have to refer you for a checkup in D.C." Izzie said as she printed out some of the documents and scans.

Derek looked to Meredith. "I'll just take some pain meds" she sighed as she sat up on the bed. "Thank you, Iz" she smiled and hugged her friend. "No problem. And both of you, I really suggest you talk to someone about this, or even each other. It's hard, it's going to be hard for both of you. Don't keep it in" Izzie said as she handed Derek the file of information.

"Thank you, Iz" he smiled before hugging her. He helped Meredith off the bed before Izzie handed her the bag of prescriptions. "Will I see you before you leave?" Izzie asked as she hugged her friend again. "We'll swing by before we go" Meredith smiled and turned to leave. "Oh and bedrest! Lots of bedrest for a week!" Izzie said quickly. They both nodded before leaving the room.

The second the door closed, Meredith broke down crying.

"Come on, let's go to my office" he whispered as they walked into the elevator. He hugged her tight as she sobbed against his shoulder before they made their way into his office.

"I'm so sorry, Meri" he sighed as he came and hugged her once more. "I just feel like I'm losing everything at the minute" she cried to him as she combed her fingers through his curly hair. "I know, I know. But you're not going to lose me" he calmed her down as he stroked her hair.

"How can you say that when we were wiped out by a semi-truck!" She cried harder. He hushed her quietly as he rubbed her back. "I don't know, Meri. I don't know but I just know that I'm always going to show up. Even if you yell, even if I yell, I'm always going to show up" he said as he pulled her away and looked her in the eye.

"I love you. And I'm never going to stop loving you. I can't live without you. I-" he paused. "You. You are... everything" he smiled slightly as he brushed away her falling tears. He leaned in as he cupped her jaw before he pulled her in for a passionate yet sweet kiss.

She sighed against his lips as she allowed him to control the kiss. His hands roamed her sides and fell on her waist as he kissed her senseless.

"I love you too" she whispered breathlessly against him.

After an hour of heavy making out to distract them from the pain, they eventually went back to the trailer for the rest of the day. They said a quick, tear-filled goodbye to their friends and sisters on the promise that everyone would come to D.C for Thanksgiving before they boarded their flight to D.C.

Finally leaving all the ghosts that haunted Seattle.

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