Chapter 15| Sparkly eyes (part 3)

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Long chapter😉

"Dr Webber" Derek said as he walked into the room. Richard stood up at the sudden intrusion. "Shepherd" he retorted as Derek walked to his desk.

"I wasn't aware that assaulting your residents was how you run things here, you should really add that in the brochure" Derek said sarcastically. "Oh don't get cocky, Derek." Richard mumbled as he walked around the desk and faced Derek. "I want you to stay away from Meredith" Derek said as he stepped forward, towering over Richard.

"Oh, Meredith? Not Dr Grey? You two are awfully cozy!" He snapped at him. Derek pinched the bridge of his nose frustrated. "I know Meredith better than you, and I should be the one telling you to stay away. She's my resident!" Richard shouted. Derek laughed sarcastically as he leaned back. "You said you wanted nothing to do with her. You made your bed, now lie in it!" Derek said as he straightened himself back upright. "She's just like her mother, sleeping with someon-" Richard started but Derek had already grabbed his shoulder.

With ease, he shoved him against the wall, gripping his shoulders hard to make him flinch. "You don't talk about Meredith Grey, you hear me? If I see you talking to her, or talking about her, I will report you to the medical board about just exactly what you did to your resident today and not only that, but I will beat you to a pulp. You hear me?" Derek hissed as he held Richard against the wall. He just nodded, not daring to say anything. Derek relaxed before storming out the office, catching a few questioning stares from the med students.

In the meantime, Amelia had discharged Meredith and they were in the elevator.

"So how exactly did you meet my brother?" Amelia asked as she looked to Meredith in the wheelchair. "I met him in a bar a few weeks ago, then it turned out he was a surgeon here and he offered to get me through my exams. He said he mentored you?" Meredith asked. Amelia nodded. "He's a great surgeon and you're learning from the best. It's hard, but it's worth it. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my brother" Amelia said quiet as they reached the floor they needed. "He's a nice guy, he's actually quite funny" Meredith laughed to herself.

Amelia began pushing them out the doors and across the parking lot. "What do you mean actually?" Amelia asked confused. Meredith laughed. "Please don't tell me you think your brother is a happy guy! The interns call him McDreary and the residents call him McMiserable." Meredith said before they both set off laughing. Amelia unlocked his trailer door and they made their way in.

"I like you, Meredith Grey" Amelia said as she continued to laugh at those nicknames. Meredith chuckled nervously as she looked around, unsure of where to put herself. "Go get in his bed, he said he'll be 15 minutes" Amelia said before pulling two mugs out. "Tea?" She turned to Meredith who was stroking Doc on the bed. "Please" she nodded appreciatively.

"I'm surprised, you know. Derek isn't one for sharing this trailer" Amelia said as she made their tea. Meredith sat up confused. "Why? Does he not like people touching his stuff or something?" Meredith asked nervously. Amelia shook her head. "No. He a hot head and needs his space sometimes. His trailer was always his space" Amelia shrugged. "Yeah, he told me about Addison and New York. I think I'd need my own space after that" Meredith said as Amelia walked towards the bedroom and climbing on the bed next to her and handing her the cup.

"So he told you about New York?" Amelia asked quizzically as she laid on the bed. Meredith nodded slowly. "Hm" Amelia hummed emotionless. Meredith quickly looked to her, "what?" Meredith asked. "Losing his son is something Derek doesn't speak about. I only found out because his best friend told me" Amelia said seriously. Meredith was surprised, why was she so special? "You must be a very special person to Derek" Amelia observed as she looked at Meredith. Meredith just shrugged.

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