Chapter 47|You did it.

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A week later...

"So Derek, it's there Harper Avery tomorrow, the big night, how you feeling about it?" Dr Wyatt asked as she clicked her pen, irritating Derek. "Disconnected" he mumbled as he sat forward, ready to leave because he really wasn't feeling in the mood for therapy right now. "Why's that?" She smiled at him. "Potentially winning an award that my girlfriend solely deserves whilst I'm hiding out in a trailer doesn't make me feel particularlly connected to medicine or my girlfriend" he grumbled.

He didn't know what it was about today, but everything annoyed him. Meredith's snoring, the cold water in the shower, the way his hair wouldn't sit properly. He'd been on his pills for over a week now and when once he felt the affects immediately, he was now feeling nothing other than more depressed.

"Have you told Meredith yet that you're back in therapy?" She asked. He shook his head. "I don't need to worry her with anything else" he said. "I'm sure she'd like to know. Why, what else do you think you're worrying her with?" Dr Wyatt asked. "She streeses when I'm in the trailer by myself. She doesn't like leaving me" he said. "Because she thinks you're suicidal?" Derek nodded. "Well are you?" She asked outright. "Would you want to live like this, Dr Wyatt?" Derek said as he held up his wrist to show her his surgery scar.

"Derek..." She said carefully. "I- I need to go. I've got- a meeting to go to" he mumbled as he gathered his things. "Derek I can't let you leave" she said to him. He shrugged. "You can't stop me either" he said before walking out and leaving for his office. He grabbed the mound of paper work on his desk and shoved it in his bag before leaving for his trailer.

He walked in, throwing his bag on the floor as he tugged his hair in frustration. What he'd just done was incredibly stupid because now there would be a search party sent out for him, and he knew Meredith would get caught in the crossfire.

"Hey!" He heard behind him as Meredith came into the trailer. She walked over to him, kissing his lips. "Hey" he said quietly as he quickly hugged her. She frowned a little. "It everything okay?" She said as she brushed away the hair from her eyes. He nodded. "You're very quiet" she noted. "Just tired." He forced a smile. "Okay. Well I checked our hours and we're ahead of schedule so I thought I'd take the night off. If you're tired then maybe we could just watch a movie or something" she suggested sweetly. He nodded. "That sounds like heaven" he whispered, emotion catching in his throat.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked again as she eyed him sceptically. He nodded. "Of course. Come on, I'll make us some dinner" he smiled.

They ate dinner and Meredith switched on a random movie before they cuddled under the covers. "Big day tomorrow" she whispered. "yeah" he said before kissing the top of her head. It wasn't long before Derek had fallen asleep. Sleep seemed easier than addressing the issue.

Meredith herself was starting to drift off when she was suddenly startled by a loud knock. She jumped up and swung open the door to be met by a guy from hospital security and Dr Wyatt who was stood behind him.

"Ma'am, is this the home of Derek Shepherd?" The guy said. "Yes, it is." Meredith said confused as she looked back to Derek who was sound asleep. "He's my boyfriend" she said as she stepped outside and closed the door behind her so Derek couldn't hear. "Is everything okay? Dr Wyatt?" She said quietly as she crossed her arms.

"I've just had Derek in my office and I have some concerns." She said. Meredith frowned. Derek hadn't told her he'd been to see her. "Okay?" She said slowly. "Have you seen him?" Dr Wyatt asked. Meredith panicked, wanting to protect Derek from whatever he may have done, but not knowing what to say. "Am I allowed to ask why you're looking for him? I- um- might be able to help?" Meredith lied. Dr Wyatt looked at her. "He expressed... suicidal thoughts but walked out on our meeting" Dr Wyatt said. Meredith raised her eyebrows.

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