Chapter 17| Dad?

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She knocked on the strangers door, waiting for an answer. About 2 minutes later the door swung open where she was greeted with the tired frown of a man she hadn't seen in 22 years.

"Dad?" She whispered, barely able to speak. Her estranged father blinked, not quite believing his eyes. "What are you doing here?" He asked carefully. "I wanted to talk" Meredith said quietly as she shoved her hands into her pockets. "It's 4am" he said. He's not happy to see me. "I know, I just-" she started but he stopped her. "Go home, Meredith. I don't want you here" he slurred a little, catching Meredith attention. "Dad" she whispered tearfully but he stopped her again.

He slapped her hard across the face, sending her backwards slightly. "I said leave, Meredith! You're not wanted here" he slurred as he stepped back into his doorway. Meredith held her pulsating cheek. "Okay." She whispered as she stepped away, turning and running to her car.

She drove away, turning back to the hospital as the sun slowly began to rise. As she was driving along, her mind riddled with thoughts about the last hour, she saw what looked to be Derek in the distance, running up the street.

Crap! Do I stop? Is it rude if I just drive past?

Meredith decided to just keep going; she'd be seeing him at the hospital anyway. Once she made it to the parking lot, she ran into the trailer and quickly gathered the things she needed before Derek came back. She really didn't need his questions right now. She didn't need anything right now, she just needed coffee and an empty room to wallow in.

"Hey Mer! Wait up!" She heard her little sister Lexie call from behind her. Out of everyone?! "You okay?" Lexie asked as she saw a strained look on Meredith face. "I'm fine" Meredith smiled weakly as they walked through the doors together. They both made a beeline for the coffee cart, making each other laugh at their identical thoughts.

"Oh wait, come with me! I know where we can get good coffee!" Meredith said suddenly as she grabbed her sister's wrist tightly and dragged her away. They were chatting away as they walked up to dermatology, walking up to the coffee machine. "This is much better coffee, trust me" Meredith said as she got two cups ready. "How did you find it?" Lexie laughed.

Meredith thought for a moment, remembering that it was actually Derek who had shown her. They'd bough each other that many coffees for each other that she nearly forgot. "Dr Shepherd showed me" Meredith said before she began walking away, praying her sister wouldn't ask questions. "He seems nice, Dr Shepherd. Do you like him?" Lexie asked as they found a conference room to hang out in for 20 minutes before their shift started.

Meredith shrugged. "He's a really good mentor" Meredith forced a smiled before taking a sip of the familiar coffee. "Just a mentor?" Lexie asked. Meredith sighed. "I'm getting really tired of these conversations about Derek Shepherd. He's a great guy, and I'm grateful he's given up all his time. Can't that just be enough?" Meredith snapped, taking Lexie by surprise. She just nodded, understanding to drop the subject when she remembered that Meredith was most likely tired and probably had a killer headache.

"Iz and Cristina told me about what happened in the OR, and I got your texts this morning. Are you feeling alright?" Lexie asked. Meredith nodded. "Yeah, just a killer headache, and hella tired" Meredith laughed weakly. "You won't be doing yourself any favours by both coming into work and also coming into work so early after a concussion. What got you up?" Lexie asked as she yawned.

Meredith paused, realising that maybe Lexie could help her understand why her father acted the way he did this morning. Surely she'll understand.

"Hey Lex, if I tell you something can you promise not to blab it to the whole hospital?" Meredith leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. "Of course, Mer" Lexie smiled nervously.

"Okay, to keep it short, my mom has Alzheimer's, she's had it for years now. And I got a call this morning from the home saying she'd done something so I had to go see her. She yelled some horrible things and brought up our dad. It got me thinking and I kind of accidentally went to go see him. He had nothing good to say, I was there for about two minutes. He slapped me and I came here. But he sounded drunk? Do you know anything about that?" Meredith ranted quickly before picking her nails.

"Um...firstly, I'm so sorry, Meredi-" Lexie said but was interrupted. "Yeah yeah, whatever, it's so sad, blah blah" Meredith brushed off. Lexie cleared her throat slightly. "Okay, I won't talk about it. As for our dad, yes, that's exactly why I left" Lexie shrugged. They exchanged a look that only the Grey's understood: don't question it

"Okay" Meredith said softly. She knew all she needed to, and Lexie knew what she needed to. They didn't dwell on feelings. Sure they were total opposites in personality: Lexie was all hopeful and rainbows whereas Meredith was all dark and twisty. But despite their differences and the rocky relationship they had when they first met, they were awfully similar and everyone admired their close sisterly bond.

"I've been looking all over for you!" A sudden booming voice caught Meredith out her miserable thoughts. She looked up suddenly, seeing Derek sold in the doorway.

Lexie quickly scarpered, realising she was late for rounds. Thanks, Lex. "Where the hell we're you?" Derek asked as he slammed the door. Meredith stood up, not liking this grumpy side of Derek. "I've been here for an hour" Meredith shrugged. "I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about this morning, you never came back" Derek said before taking a deep breath.

"I told you, I had to go deal with something" Meredith repeated. "Was it your mom?" Derek asked, making Meredith even angrier. "It's none of your business, Derek, really" Meredith rolled her eyes. "So it was" he pushed. "I told you, back off!" Meredith shouted as him.

Derek laughed harshly, laced with sarcasm. "I tell you about my life in New York and this is what I get back? Silence?" Derek said. "I told you about my mom!" Meredith exclaimed. "You did, which is why I can't get why you can't tell me where you were this morning!" Derek shouted. "Just because you told me something, doesn't mean I owe it back to you!" Meredith said. "That's how trust works though. And if you can't owe it to me as your friend, than you owe it to me as your mentor. You've got vomit in your hair, your scrubs are messy, you barely look awake, you shouldn't even be here after yesterday!" Derek shouted.

"Look, Derek, I dont care if you told me about your stupid sick kid in New York, I do not owe you a single thing." Meredith said harshly. Derek stepped back. "Go to the lab. I don't want you anywhere near me" he mumbled quickly before walking out and slamming the door.

Too far, way too far.

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