Chapter 4| Worst day ever

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"Doctor Grey, why am I being told you performed burrholes on a teenager, unassisted by any kind of attending?" Richard interrogated her as she glanced at Dr Shepherd, his arms folded as he glared at her.

"Is the guy alive?" She looked at Derek. He nodded. "Dr Grey." Richard warned. Meredith shot her head up, glaring at the two. "An attending was present, Dr Torres what's there. She left, I can't help that!" Meredith snapped back.

"Meredith-" Derek started but Meredith interrupted. "It's Dr Grey, Dr Shepherd." She said sternly before Derek stepped down and eased off slightly.

"You are just like your mother" Richard looked to Meredith, showing no expression that was a complement. Meredith was taken back, that stung, "Richard-" she started but he interrupted. "It's Dr Webber."

Meredith rolled her eyes. "Look, is the guy awake?" Meredith turned to Dr Shepherd. He nodded, "he woke about an hour ago" Meredith smiled to herself; awake was good. "Did he pass all his tests? Can the walk, talk and breathe?" Meredith questioned quietly. Maybe reality was setting in, only now was she realising how wrong it could have gone. Derek sighed, "yes" he mumbled. "We're the burrholes good?" Meredith enquired. She wanted to make a point, but she also wanted to know that her work was correct and it was the right call to make. "Your work was impeccable, Dr Grey" Shepherd said as he relaxed his stance.

"Derek-" Richard warned quietly but Derek sighed. "You came to me, remember? You told me what she'd done. I need you on my side" Richard said. "I know, you're right, chief. And I'm not happy either, but I believe Dr Grey still deserves some feedback on her escapades. If she ever finds herself in that situation again, she needs to know if she's capable or not" Dr Shepherd said before glancing back to Meredith, giving her a firm nod.

"Dr Grey won't be finding herself in that situation again" Richard said firmly as he looked between the two. Meredith raised a brow as Dr Shepherd spoke, "What do you mean? She's a resident"

Richard turned to Meredith, throwing her a look of steel.

"You're fired."

Meredith's head shot up. "What?" She exclaimed before looking to Dr Shepherd for help.

Derek looked at Richard confused. "Dr Webber, don't get me wrong, Dr Grey should be punished and she was irresponsible, but terminating her residency is unnecessary" Derek defended her, instantly feeling guilty; he didn't want this.

"Stay out of this, Derek" Richard warned before walking over to Meredith. "You haven't let up about neuro for the entirety of your residency, and after I told you no a million times, Bailey told you no, your mother-" he started but Meredith stopped him. "Not now, Richard" Meredith warned. "Yes now! I am the chief of surgery at this hospital and what I say goes! Do you understand?" Meredith shook her head. "Dr Grey I am asking you to leave" Richard spoke but Meredith stood her ground. "Dr Grey!" He shouted but she just crossed her legs.

"Ellis would finally proud of you"

"Dr Shepherd, leave" Meredith choked back her tears. Derek stood up off the desk, fleeing the room immediately.

"You didn't want me in neuro. You all wanted me in General. You could have found a neurosurgeon easily. But you waited until my final year so I couldn't specialise. I'm 27 years old, Richard. And you jeopardised and manipulated my entire career all so you could what? Please the woman you had an affair with. Cover for the guilt you feel for leaving her with me thinking she'd take you back because you got me into General? Well I won't do it. I'm not a lap dog. I will not sit those boards if you have anything to do with it." Meredith stood up.

"This is why you are number 12. I saved a life today. That should be enough" she whispered before leaving the room and slamming the door.

"Dr Grey, wait up!" Dr Shepherd called after her. "Meredith" he called. "DONT!" She screamed. "This is your fault! All your fault! Goodbye Dr Shepherd." She said before running away. He called after her but she just kept walking away.

Guilt ate him inside. He didn't mean for this to spiral the way it had. He didn't realise there was a history between the two. If he'd know, if he knew Richard was going to speak the way he did, he'd have kept his mouth shut. A million questions were ringing in his head but nothing compared to the drowning guilt that was suffocating him.

Meredith ran to the residents room, going to her cubby. She wrote a quick note explaining to her friends what had happened and why she was no longer here. She cleared out her cubby, biting her lips to fight the tears, before she finally left the room.

She climbed into her beat up car, grateful that she was near to her bed. She started to turn the engine on but whimpered when the engine spluttered and gave out.

That was when the tears hit her.

She grabbed her things, not even willing to try again, before she began walking home which was 40 minutes away. And almost like clockwork, the Seattle rain began to pour.

Worst day ever.

After what felt like a lifetime, she made it home, grateful her friends were still working because she really needed the night alone.

She didn't bother eating, she just stripped her wet clothes and threw on a sweatshirt and some shorts before she laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Worst. Day. Ever.

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