Chapter 4: Damien's Determination Part 1

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Chaeyu had started her fight with Kia, as Damien watches quietly. But someone wasn't content with just watching.

"Hey. You're Damien, right? Nanu talked about you at school." The brunette that Chaeyu pointed out as "mom" says as she walks up to Damien.

"M-Mother...?!" Damien says, not expecting her to just come to him. "I-I mean, Mecha...?!"

"Hm. Nanu did say you were another dimension. Can't say I understand what he means, but I guess you're my child?"

"Y-Yeah." The white haired male nods.

"Hmmm..." She takes a close at him. "Yeah, I can see it. You have my eyes. But...none Nanu's features..." She says sadly.


"Hm? O-Oh! I didn't mean anything by that!" She says with a blush.

"If you're wondering if you end up with Nanu, you do." He smiles. "But...I'm not his son." Damien explains.

Mecha nods along. "I see... Well, that's okay. I mean, you're still my son. Kind of." She giggles, and grabs her cards. "I know! To help me get to know you, why don't we fight? The cards will reveal everything about ourselves." She smiles.

"O-Oh, uh, yeah...! Okay then!" Damien agrees, and follows Mecha down to the standing table for them to fight. Once they set up their fields, they nod to each other, gripping their face down Vanguards.

"Stand up!"

"Stand up, the!"


"Arboros Dragon, Ratoon."

"Incipient Long Tail." Mecha smiles. "Do you want to go first?"

"You can go first." Damien says.

"Okay then, if you say so. I draw." Mecha starts the game. "I ride Mythic Beast, Hati. Long Tail's skill, I draw again. With Hati's skill, I soul charge two cards from my deck. I end my turn." She smiles, already establishing a good soul count at 3 right off the bat.

"I draw, and ride Budding Permanence, Grajiorl Dragon. I draw again with Ratoon's skill, and get a Quick Shield card." Damien takes the form of a small, pink flower dragon. He was sort of a flower boy. "Grajiorl Dragon's skill, I search the top seven cards of my deck for the Grade 2 version of this card and add it to my hand." Damien uses the effect, and successfully adds the card to his hand. "I attack."

"No guard." Mecha smiles.

"Drive Check. No trigger."

Mecha takes the first damage, and her turn starts again. "I ride Battle Maiden, Mutsuki. Her skill, when she's placed, I counter blast and soul blast one to draw a card, and obtain an Imaginary Gift: Force 1." Mecha says casually.

"Wait what...?!" Damien freaks out from this. After all, he had no idea there were cards that can just give Gift markers.

"Hehe! I like to take things fast. I call Mythic Beast Hati, and soul charge two with its skill." Thanks to the extra draw power Mutsuki provided, Mecha could afford the luxury of calling after a ride, increasing her soul again to 5 cards. "Mutsuki attacks with support from Hatti!" Mecha goes on the offensive with a powerful 28k attack on her second turn.

"I..." Damien looks at his hand, then at his damage. "I won't guard it." He says.

"Then my Drive Check." Mecha flips her card over and smiles. "Critical Trigger. All effects to Mutsuki."

Damien is now forced to take two damage instead of one. Thankfully it was still early in the game, and a one damage lead is still recoverable. With grit teeth, Damien draws his card. "I ride Eternal Stability, Grajiorl Dragon! Its skill, add its Grade 3 self to my hand via the top seven cards of my deck." This time, Damien couldn't get the card he was looking for. "If I couldn't add it to my hand, I call a Plant Token instead. This Plant Token gets boosted from 5000 power to 10,000 power, and they also gain the Intercept ability. I attack with my Plant Token."

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