Chapter 30: Fastest Fight Yet

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"I'll go first! I draw!" Chaeyu calls and draws. "I ride Steam Breath Dragon! Draw with Chrono Dran's skill, then check the top five cards of my deck to add a Grade 3! Add Balih to my hand! I end my turn."

"My turn then." Eliza takes the next turn. "Draw. I ride Mythic Beast, Hati. Soul charge two cards. I end my turn."

"Then I draw!" Mecha goes next. "I ride Mythic Beast, Hati! Soul charge two! I attack Eliza with Hati!"

"No guard. Damage. No trigger."

"I end my turn." Mecha sighs.

"I draw!" Ryu ups the intensity, even on turn one. "I ride Dimensional Robo, Daiprop! Draw with Goyusha's skill! Then Daiprop lets me reveal a card from my hand and put it on the bottom of my deck to draw a card. Since I put a Grade 3, I draw again. Attack Mecha!"

Chaeyu figured they would focus their attacks on her. Her deck is the most bullshit of them all, so Chaeyu takes the initiative. "I guard for her with Ring Ring Worker!"

Ryu growls and checks the top card of his deck for a trigger. No luck.

In a tag fight, a team must take 8 damage. If one person has 8 damage, that team loses. If both players have 4 damage each, that team loses. You can also protect your teammates, but you cannot use their damage to counter blast, or their soul to soul blast. These games can either go on for really long, or really fast depending on the strategy a team wants to take.

"I draw." Chaeyu takes her turn next. I ride Smokegear Dragon!" She calls and looks to Mecha for some advice. She nudges her head in Ryu's direction, telling her to focus on him while she fight Eliza. Chaeyu nods and swings with Smokegear. He doesn't guard the attack, and takes his first damage. That's already two damage for Team Reverse.

"I draw. I ride Battle Maiden, Mutsuki. Her skill. I counter blast and soul blast to get a Force Marker. Force II."

This shocked Mecha. Eliza always uses Force I, so she was clearly trying to finish this fight as soon as possible. They wanted to get to Nanu before he could get to Nome.

"Attack Mecha." Eliza points.

Chaeyu is ready to guard her, but Mecha declares "No guard!" before her daughter could. She is forced to take 2 damage instead of one. They knew that Chaeyu would be a problem if she had damages. So to change that, Mecha had an idea. "I draw! I ride Battle Maiden, Mutsuki! Her skill, obtain a Force marker! Force II!" Mecha calls. "And then I attack...Chaeyu!" She calls and turns the fight into a free for all.

"What?! You can't do that!" Ryu complains.

Chaeyu was confused by this at first, but soon realized what she trying to do. If those two wouldn't give her damage, Mecha will instead. "I won't guard! Damage check! Draw Trigger! I draw a card. Second check! No trigger!"

"I end my turn." Mecha smiles and now has to wait for Chaeyu's turn.

"I draw!" Ryu takes his turn. "I ride Kaizard! Attack Mecha!"

"Guard!" Mecha protects herself this time.

"I end my turn..." Ryu growls as he didn't pull a trigger.

"Hehe. All according to plan." Mecha smiled. "You can finish it this turn, Chaeyu!" Mecha cheered.

"Yeah! I draw!" She starts her turn and takes the card from her hand. "Sorry you two, but I'm not gonna let you play the game! Descend from the rift in time and space, and guide me to my victory in the future I desire! Appear, my avatar! Chronojet...! Dragon!!" She slams down her SVR ace, and pushes forward. "Imaginary Gift! Force II to my right rearguard circle! Then I call another Chronojet! I use Chronojet's skill on my Vanguard circle to discard Balih and ride a Grade 4 from my deck! Gear dragon slumbering in the deep reaches between dimensions, awaken now by my call...! Generation...! RIDE!! Arrive from beyond the rift, my Avatar! Chronodragon Nextage!" Chaeyu continues to go on a roll. "I call Steam Scara, Irkab, and use his skill to discard a card and get plus 1 Drive to Nextage! Then I call two Steam Breath Dragons behind my Chronojet and Nextage! Chronojet on rearguard attacks Ryu first with support! Using his skill, I counter blast and get 5k more power, and stop sentinels called to the Guardian Circle!"

While Ryu could very well guard it, he didn't want to waste too many valuable cards. "I won't guard!" He calls out and gets slammed by the dragon's fist at full power.

"Irkab attacks next! Ryu!"

"I guard!" He blocks this attack easily.

"Now Nextage attacks Eliza!" Chaeyu suddenly switches target.

And since it was only 15k attack, Eliza threw down a Heal Trigger in her hand to block it.

"Triple Drive! First! No Trigger! Second! Draw Trigger! Power to Steam Breath and I draw! Second check! Draw Trigger! Power to Steam Breath, and I draw! And now! At the end of the battle Nextage attacked, I discard two cards from my hand to Ride Chronojet Dragon from my soul, and giving him 15k power! Then, since this counts as a Ride, I get another Force II marker and give it my Vanguard! Chronojet attacks with support from Steam Breath! Eliza once again! His skill! Counter blast and get 5k power and gains guard restrict! 61k

Chaeyu was swinging for another 2 Crit attack. Eliza didn't have the cards to safely block it, so she declares no guard.

"Twin Drive! First! No Trigger! Second! Critical Trigger! All effects to Chronojet! Second check! Critical Trigger!" Chaeyu pulls out the double Crit, and slams Eliza with a powerful hit. Ryu at 3 damage, Eliza at 5. That's 8 in total. Chaeyu and Mecha win the fight!

"We didn't even...ride our Reverse units...!" Ryu groans and loses consciousness.

"Damn...sentinel restrict...!" Eliza moans and also falls forward. The darkness soon leaves their bodies, as Mecha and Chaeyu drag the two to somewhere safe.


A/N: Yes I am rushing, no I will not apologize for it.

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