Chapter 25: The Future I Desire...Will Not Come...

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"Pain, despair, and suffering give shape to your blade...! No mercy shall be granted to any who block in your path! I ride Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei "R"!" Nepgear slams her card down, shocking Mila.

"Wha—?! You—?!" The younger girl stuttered and could form the words of her shock. " tricked me?!" She asked.

"Hehehe... Unlike Saikoa and Azura, I know my limits. I know who I can and cannot beat. So I thought I would start with you! Force II to my left rearguard circle! Ashlei's skill! When a unit is placed on the circle she's on, that unit gets plus 1 Critical!"

Nepgear amps the pressure up to 11, as once Ashlei "R" hits, the game is over thanks to having a total of 3 Critical!

"I call two Mordivus's and Security Jewel Knight, Alwain from my hand and use Ashlei "R"'s skill! I soul blast 2 and lock Mordivus, retire Nanni, and call a Jewel Knight from the top 5 cards of my deck! Call Dogmatize Jewel Knight, Sybill! I activate her effect again! Lock Mordivus and retire Chronobite and call Branding Jewel Knight, Miranda! I use Alwain's skill to rest her and return a normal Jewel Knight unit from my drop to the bottom of my deck to soul charge and give Ashlei "R" 5k power! I call Laile over Miranda and activate Miranda's skill! When a unit is placed on top of her, I soul charge! Ashlei "R"'a skill again! Lock Alwain. Since you have no front row anymore, I just call another Miranda over Laile! Laile gives 10k power to the unit that takes he's place on her circle! And since Miranda is on a Force II marker, her Critical is at 2 as well!" Nepgear was aiming to win this turn. She had blown out most of the cards in her hand, and was ready to attack.

'I know I can stop Ashlei with my Perfect Guard... Sybill and Miranda will also be easy to block, but I need to make sure I can fill my field again on my next turn.' Mila nods to herself.

"No point in delaying the inevitable. I attack with Ashlei!"

"Then I—!"

"If you're going to use that perfect guard, I'll take this opportunity to tell you that when I have two or more locked units on my field, Ashlei gets 10k extra power, and if I have three or more, you can't call Sentinels to the guardian circle. You know what that means, right?" Nepgear gives a sinister grin.

"Crap...!" Mila retracts her arm and looks through her hand.

Sure, she did have two Critical Triggers to block with, but if she used those, Ashlei could still break through with two triggers in the Twin Drive with an even break. This leaves her with two options. Take the attack and bet on a miracle, or block and hope Nepgear doesn't get two triggers. If Mila went with option two, and Nepgear does get double triggers, it would be over for sure, since if she got a miracle heal, Sybill and Miranda will swing in next and Mila will have no cards to guard with other than a single perfect guard. Thinking it was the best option available, Mila confidently declare...!

"No guard!!"

"Hahahaha! You DO know that if I get another Critical, you're done for, right?!" Nepgear laughs. "After all, I could still have seven of them in my deck!"

That was all the confirmation Mila needed to hear. "I'm aware. But that's not gonna happen."

"Tsk...?! How would you know?"

"Quit trying to bluff me. Just do your Twin Drive already!" Mila demands, a confident smile on her face.

"Fine then! Twin Drive!" Nepgear grips the first card of her deck. "Check! No trigger! Second check! Heal...Trigger!" Nepgear called out. "It doesn't matter! With this attack, this fight is over!! Grr...! I heal! and give the power to Miranda!"

"It's not over until the fat lady sings! Damage check! The first! No trigger! The second! No trigger...!" Mila started sweating. "Third check...!! HEAL TRIGGER!! I heal a damage!"

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