Azura's Deck Profile

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I'm sure you expected the beautiful and elegant Azura, the azure haired songstress, to use Bermuda Triangle clan, the clan of mermaids, idols, and mermaid idols? Well haha, no

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I'm sure you expected the beautiful and elegant Azura, the azure haired songstress, to use Bermuda Triangle clan, the clan of mermaids, idols, and mermaid idols? Well haha, no. I'm not letting my Azura touch that cancer of a deck. Azura's Aqua Force deck is very skill reliant, as it is full of tricky and hard to pull off maneuvers that a lot of players struggle against. The purpose of those tricky maneuvers? Multi attacks. With Azura's big brain, she unleashes attack after attack after attack on her enemies. To start, ride Blue Wave Soldier Senior, Beragios to secure your Grade 3 ride target, that being Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom. She's not running Glory Maelstrom in this deck for plot reasons, but that's later down the line, after the Vanguard Koshien. Anyway, next, ride Marine General of the Restless Tide, Algos or Drifting Flow Fencer to secure Maelstrom if you couldn't before. But Algos is preferable, as Drifting Flow Fencer's search skill can still be used when placed on rearguard. Attack with Flow Fencer first, then with your Vanguard Algos to use his skill to Stand a Flow Fencer to attack again for some early game pressure. Then on your next turn, ride Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom. Get an Accel marker. Once again, the one you use depends on the situation. Accel 1 for more attacking pressure, or Accel 2 for more hand resources. Call out an Algos, Tidal Assault, and Storm Rider, Diamantes if you have one in your hand, then use Maelstrom's skill to give your front row 3000 extra power. Attack with Algos first, and use his skill to Stand himself when he attacks first. Attack with Maelstrom next to try for a Front Trigger, or any Trigger for that matter, and give more power to your units. Then attack with Tidal Assault. If it's the second battle of that turn or more, which is would be, he can Stand himself with -5000 power. This would be an issue, however, if you got a trigger in your Drive Check and gave the extra power to him, it won't hurt that much unless the opponent got a defensive Trigger. And if they did, uhhh you're basically screwed. But let's just say they didn't. When a rearguard's attack hits on the third or fourth battle of that turn, you can activate Maelstrom's skill to counter blast and discard a card to Stand him for another battle! Next, attack with Storm Rider, Diamantes. After he attacks on the third battle or more, he can stand himself with -3000 power. Once again, a Front Trigger would completely offset this punishment he has, but even then, Maelstrom's skill can give his front row 3000 more power, so unless the opponent gets a defensive trigger, it's not that big of a deal unless you're fighting a Force Clan with 13k base power instead of Protect and Accel Clans having 12k base power. Swing in with Diamantes again, or Maelstrom and hope for a trigger unit to give Diamantes extra power. And that's what a turn at Grade 3 with Aqua Force usually looks like. Unless you're fighting a field control deck like Kagero, Narukami, or Link Joker (especially Link Joker), you can continuously put pressure on your opponent, granted you don't run out of counter blasts and soul blasts, as this clan is very resource heavy.

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