Chapter 29: In The End... Part 3

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The car ride was silent majority of the way. The hum of the white sports car buzzed down the empty streets. People too scared to go outside because of all the massive Vanguard units that appear whenever a Cardfight starts.

"So...miss Suiko...? You and him share a last name now...? When did that happen?" Mecha asked nervously.

"About five years ago now." Suiko answered.

"R-Really...? Wow..." She mutters and looks out the window.

"I'm sure you'll get your guy." Suiko turns back to Mecha and winks, making her blush a bit.

Unfortunately (or luckily), Nanu wasn't hearing any of it. He had put a pair of wireless earbuds in his ears to listen to music, to calm his nerves and hype him up for the battles to come.

The car comes to a screeching halt, as Koji swings the car perfectly into a parallel parking spot. "The rest of the way from here is private property. I can't get any closer than this, so the rest is up to you." He says. The trio step out of his car and nod.

"Thanks for this, Koji. I owe you one." Nanu says with a smile.

"It's no big deal. Now go. Me and Suiko will hold THEM off." He says and steps out too, facing down a hoard of fighters.

"Got it... Thanks again!" Nanu calls and rushes down the road and passed the security gate. As soon as they do, however, they're stopped by Eliza.

"Mom...?! Not you too..." Mecha mutters softly.

Eliza spoke no words. Only flashed her deck at the three intruders, and smiled. Behind her, Ryu stepped up next. He did the same.

"Guess it's one of those rare two v two fights..." Nanu says and was about to step up, but Mecha and Chaeyu stop him.

"We got this. Save your energy." Chaeyu says with a smile.

"We won't lose." Mecha says.

Nanu slowly nods and steps back to give room for the units that will eventually appear.

"Now Stand up (The)!"



"So you did get Reversed...Yoshi..." Hoshi says quietly.

"It's not a big deal. It's just more power for me to take advantage of. That's all." Yoshi says with a wicked smile, not even trying to hide the sharp red linings under her eyes. "After all, what's wrong with wanting to get stronger?"

"Nothing's wrong with that." Azura speaks up. "But this isn't how you become stronger. Relying a power that isn't your own is not strength. You of all people should know that!"

"You're one to talk, Azura. You're still using that Reverse card that Master Nome gave you. By your own logic, you're just as weak as you say I am." Yoshi laughs.

Hoshi was going to step up and challenge her twin, but Azura stops her. "I'll fight her." She says, and steps up to the red fight panels that appeared. "I hope you're ready."

"You can't beat me, Azu. You know that. But if you want to be Reversed again that badly, then who better to bring you back than me!" She smiles. "Oh. But before I forget." Yoshi reaches to her belt and grabs a grey deck box. "Alice, catch!" She throws it.

Alice does so, and looks inside. "Chaos Breaker..." She glares, but feels nothing from it.

"After you and him separated, he started becoming...useless. So Master Nome thought it would be best to give him back, since he's no use to us anymore."

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