Chapter One: No Air

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Ohayo! How're y'all doing? Oh this? It's just another freaking fanfiction, don't worry about it x'D Ya, I got this idea a while back and have been brainstorming like crazy with YukiKiryu56 ever since I first told her about it :3 However, since this is just the first chapter, it takes a while to get interesting but there's gonna be blood in this first installment *yay* so there's that to look forward to towards the end ;)

But yeah, just as a warning, if you're homophobic, I recommend you leave right now; this is going to be a Rin x Kaneki story and that's that.

All of that aside, though, I hope you enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX


"Damn I swear this freaking sun hates me!" I growl with a distasteful pout to Yukio, who's sat at his desk whilst his pen lazily darts over the papers before him, most likely running through and marking the latest test we took in cram school. He may as well just give me my F right now; there's not really any point in waiting in anticipation since there's no hope of me getting a better grade. Everyone knows I work better on the field anyways! Being an exorcist isn't about all the little facts; it's about beating the crap out of demons! But apparently grades matter, which is something I never understood.

When I get no response from my twin, I puff out my cheeks, huffing loudly as my eyes stare out of the window, able to see the way that whatever lies in my vision ripples due to the sheer heat. It's so freaking warm in here! And, because our dormitory block is most likely as old as our old man was, it doesn't have any AC at all. So all we have to rely on to keep us cool is a shitty little fan that just spits the hot air back in my face at a faster speed. Again, Yukio doesn't shift, so I roll my eyes and lean forward, my elbows connecting with the wood of my desk as my tail dangles limply behind me; there's no way I'm keeping it bottled up under my shirt in weather like this. Plus, it's just Yukio and I, so it doesn't really matter. Screw that whole 'a real gentleman keeps his tail tucked in tight' bull that Mephisto preaches; if I want it out, then out it shall be.

Feeling sweat starting to bead on my forehead, I grasp the small silver clasp that I borrowed from Bon when I first joined cram school last year and use it to pin my hair out of my face, wiping the back of my hand over my skin and pulling a face of distaste before rubbing it on my shirt. I then fall back into my chair, sighing loudly. In doing so, Yukio suddenly slams his pen down and my entire body jumps, a startled look spreading over my features as my eyes widen. And, when I focus my gaze on him, his eyebrow is twitching in irritation.

"Rin, if you're so hot, just go out for a freaking walk! I'm trying to mark these papers and I can't with your constant moaning!" Yukio yells, causing me to flinch in reaction. I've really pissed him off, haven't I? Scrabbling up from my seat, I quickly get to my feet before he can shout at me any more, though a pout riddles my lips.

"Well if you're gonna be an ass about it," I retort before spinning around on the spot and proceeding to exit before Yukio can respond, leaving him alone in that hellhole of a room. Then again, it's not like it's much cooler out here either; if anything, it's probably worse! The corridors are so stuffy and I can barely swallow my breaths without it feeling as if the air is clinging to my throat as it slips down to my lungs. I hate summer.

As I'm descending the steps, I have to quietly tread past a slumbering Kuro, his mouth hanging open whilst a little bit of drool dribbles from it. Though I crinkle my nose as if to say 'eww', I still crouch down to give him a small scratch behind his ear, smiling to myself when he begins purring in his sleep. I swear, if I didn't have him around most of the time to keep me company, I'd probably already be insane; as hard as it may be to believe, the differences that have developed between Yukio and I over the years has kinda made it more difficult to live with him. But it's not as if I mind; I have Kuro and he has his test papers. I guess we're both pretty happy is what I'm getting at.

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