Chapter Eight: All We Know

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Yo ima back! Yeah it hasn't been that long but still... I managed to get around a million ideas for both fanfictions as well as one of my original ideas that I really really hope I can either get published as a book or a manga (or both) in the future x'D But enough about that; you're here for Go To Hell!

And, just as a reminder for anyone who thinks so, I haven't forgotten about Rin being a demon and all the shiz that comes with being one (I've seen Blue Exorcist at least 4 times. I think I know quite a bit about my favorite anime character by now). I know it might look like I have but I promise that's intentional.

Also, it might seem like this story is basically what Kaneki went through with a different character, but that's also not the case. Things will change up but I have to build up to it first. Patience!

Anyhoo, rant over :3

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



With a muffled groan, I feel my body gradually drag itself out of the slumber that I accidentally fell into last night whilst I was in the process of watching over Rin. And, going by the way that the morning sunlight is breaking through the window in gentle, silver rays, it's clear that having me here settled him enough to allow him to have a dreamless sleep that lasted the entire night. At least I can be thankful for that much; it's horrible seeing him in the pain that he was suffering last night. I never want to witness that again.

As I prepare myself to get up so that I can make Rin and I a coffee to begin the day with, I find that I'm being held in place by a pair of arms that link around my abdomen in a warm embrace, Rin holding me against him as he softly snores in his sleep. Instantly, I feel the heat blossom in my cheeks when I realise that he's spooning me, his body pressed against my own whilst he hugs me to his torso, not showing any signs of letting me go.

Though I don't understand it, my stomach squirms in hundreds of different directions, feeling like I have a flurry of butterflies fluttering around inside it whilst my face only gets warmer. I need to get up before I end up embarrassing myself; with the way that he's snuggling up to me, I know that, if I don't escape quickly, I'm gonna end up in an even more awkward situation. It's not like guys can control it, after all.

"Rin. Rin wake up," I mutter quietly at first, bringing my arm back a little to dig my elbow into his abdomen, though it meets with something much more solid than I expected. Does he... Have a six pack? Biting my lip, I nudge him in the stomach again, harder this time, desperately trying to drag him out of slumber. "Rin it's morning. Wake up," I say a little louder, getting a small whine in response, Rin only cuddling up to me even more with a whimper, his head rubbing itself against my back. Why is it that the only thing I notice is that his hair feels so unbelievably soft against my bare skin? Okay, I need to stop. This needs to stop. I can't... Fall for him!

"Ka-ne-ki," Rin suddenly mumbles in his sleep, shuddering a little and clinging to me more, tightening the grip he has around my waist whilst he groans, obviously reacting to something that's going on in his head. Whatever it is, it concerns me, which makes me slightly nervous. "D-Don't... I-I can't be... Alone," he breathes, warmth spreading through my chest whilst a small smile tickles my lips, tugging them up into a soft smirk. I guess he really does value my company, even though all we've done is bicker since we met. Even still, I can't shake the fact that I already care about him more than most people. There's just something about him. Is it because I see all of the pain I suffered represented in him, the only difference being that I can fix him? There wasn't anyone around to offer me such a luxury. "No! Leave him alone! STOP IT!" He cries out, my entire being jumping out of thought when he begins to scream out in a fear similar to last night, his arms gripping onto me so tight that I can barely breathe, the feeling of warm liquid splattering on my shoulders causing my stomach to cave. Another nightmare.

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