Chapter Nine: Fences

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I'm so sorry! I know it's been forever since I updated but I've had a massive creative slump (and I've been addicted to Splatoon). But here's the chapter, which ended a little sooner than expected so sorry about that. But now that I think about it, the story will flow better if I put what I was gonna end this chapter with in the next chapter instead.

But in other news, I've entered Go To Hell into the Crossover category in the Summer Anime Watty Awards :D So ya, if you like the story enough, you can go and vote for it and hopefully we'll get somewhere with it ^^ I'd love for this story to get somewhere before it's properly begun yet (we're nine chapters in yet I'm only getting started x'D This is gonna be a looooong story)

Anyhoo, I'll shut up now and let you get on

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



After Rin's gotten himself dressed into his uniform, his cheeks still a little pink to match my own, he gives me the all-clear for us to get going, though I stop him just before we leave, a frown falling upon his eyebrows.

"What?" He whines, a sigh slipping from me as I direct my eyes towards his right one, realization flickering through his irises as he places his fingers to that area, his shoulders slackening. Seriously, how the heck did he forget to put his eye patch on when I literally gave it to him seconds before he went in the shower?! Then again, I forgot he was even having a shower so I guess I can't judge. "Be right back," he mutters before quickly darting into the bathroom, the sound of him rummaging around in there bouncing off of the hallway's walls.

"Hey, it's your ass Touka-chan's gonna kick, not mine!" I call in response, laughter filling my tone as Rin pokes his head out of the bathroom just to glare at me, only causing me to giggle even more; it's so much fun winding him up, even though I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's the fact that I know that I'm definitely going to get a reaction from him that makes it so entertaining.

Eventually, Rin rejoins me and we quickly make our way to Anteiku, not wasting any time when we realize that we're already two minutes late. And, though that may not seem like much, to Touka-chan, that may as well amount to two years! So she's either going to kill Rin and spare me, or beat the crap out of us both for good measure. Either way, we're so screwed!

Which is why, when we approach the establishment, neither of us are willing to take a single step forward, both of us too afraid of what we're in store for if we dare to enter. However, we're not given a choice when the door swings open, an instant dark aura pulsing out of Anteiku from behind Touka-chan, who has a glare in her eye that even chills me to the bone.

"You're late," she growls, advancing towards us whilst Rin and I try to stumble away, though she quickly grabs both of us roughly by the scruff of our shirts, Rin letting out a scared yelp whilst I clamp my lips shut, not allowing Touka-chan any kind of reaction.

"It's my fault! Rin tried to wake me up but... I was being lazy," I lie right though my teeth, avoiding eye contact as she gradually releases her grip on Rin's shirt, causing him to tumble to the floor. Then, she shoots a glare at his crumpled form, a whimper of fear escaping from him as he scrabbles to his feet, her vicious eyes soon snapping back to me.

"Get inside, Rin; there are customers waiting to be served," she snaps, my stomach starting to coil the more I'm forced to stare into her irises, which seem to swirl with a fury that she only ever projects when she's about to beat the living shit out of someone. And I guess, thanks to my random desire to protect Rin, I'm her newest victim.

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