Chapter Twenty-Four: Young Volcanoes

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Prepare yourself for shits and many giggles. As well as the smexiness that's to come towards the end of the chapter. So, as a warning to all you fangirls, if you're in a room with family and you're scared you'll get a nosebleed, leave the room now ;)

That is all

Enjoy the chapter^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"Come on, Kaneki! You're not even trying!" I call over my shoulder whilst my feet pound against the dirt beneath my feet, the rumbling sound of the perusing Reaper thundering from behind Kaneki and I as we carry out the exercise that we're lumbered with each week to build endurance. But would it kill them to change it up a bit? I mean, running's fun, but running in circles from the same demon over and over again? Not so much.

"Okumura! This isn't a race!" Ol' Sideburns shouts down in that scolding tone of his that never ever puts a single one of us in our place, despite his attempts to be intimidating. Plucking my lips into a smirk, my eyes fall back to Kaneki again, who's only barely managing to run fast enough to keep out of the Reaper's reach. I can't really blame him after the hell he went through last night. I'm honestly surprised I have the energy that I do considering that I didn't sleep at all after he woke me up; along with having to endure the ache of my healing ribs, I knew that there was no way I'd be able to drift off with the constant worry that he'd wake up screaming again. And, though he was fine for the rest of the night, that's not exactly the point. I don't want him suffering.

"You're no Olympic athlete yourself!" Kaneki retaliates, pumping his legs harder until he's matching my pace, my eyes widening a little at his sudden spurt of energy, though I soon narrow my eyes into a playful glare that makes him giggle between his ragged pants. Okay... That's adorable. Shaking my head, I allow a menacing smile to curve onto my lips before I nudge his shoulder with my own, knocking him to the side a little with a jokingly evil laugh.

"Well at least my reflexes aren't as terrible as yours are!" I spit with a chuckle, a victorious smirk playing on my lips, despite Kaneki managing to get himself back in place, this time taking his turn in pushing me off-course, a startled yelp catching in my throat when I nearly trip over my own feet, Kaneki soon receiving a flaring, cyan glare.

"Boys! This is not a race!" Sideburns barks again, though Kaneki and I are too busy constantly trying to mess the other up to pay any attention to him, the sound of the Reaper's pounding pace not even enough to break through our conflict. However, whilst I'm in the middle of digging my shoulder into his bicep to try and force him to lose speed again so that I can pull ahead, the sudden sound of a phone ringing tears through the air, both of our gazes flickering up to Sideburns, who's fishing his cell out of his pocket. "Hello? R-Right now? But I'm teach- Okay okay! I'm on my way, Kitty Cat!" He rapidly stutters before giving our small class a salute before taking off, kicking up dirt as he does, my eyes rolling in an irritated manner.

"Ditched for a booty call," I grumble, still keeping my eyes on the ground before me that Kaneki and I are still ploughing through, probably close to lapping the freaking Reaper at this point! However, Kaneki's extremely confused orbs of silver flicker in my direction, widened in complete and utter disbelief.

"Is he allowed to do that?!" He gasps through his heavy breathing, seemingly too distracted by Sideburns' departure to focus on anything apart from his own perplexity. Perfect. With a mischievous grin, I suddenly ram myself against his shoulder, causing him to tumble to the side, loosing his footing so that he crashes to the ground with a surprised cry, laughter instantly tearing from me when I meet his glare. However, I know that I shouldn't be so proud of myself when he quickly gets up again, lunging at me until both of us are floored, scrabbling to land playful punches and kicks on the other. What can I say? Play-fighting's fun!

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