Chapter Twelve: That's What You Get

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So I wrote this chapter instantly after I finished the last one. I didn't intend for that to happen, but it did x'D I wrote the first line and then just kept going. I blinked and the whole thing was there :3

But yeah, last chapter escalated into a plot twist that I honestly didn't plan, therefore, I've had to reassess my plan for what was going to happen, though it'll make all you KaneRin shippers out there very happy, I promise you ^^

Anyhoozles, ima leave now :3

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"Does the little demon not like pain?" Tsukiyama growls, pushing his kagune further into my stomach, causing me to wail out in agony, hating myself for giving him the exact reaction he's after. But I can't help it; this burning pain amounts to torture because he refuses to stop, jamming his ribbon-like blade through my abdomen every time it heals over again, constantly punching holes in my body. I can't imagine I look like much more than a bloody pile of flesh and bones. "Come on. Why don't you fight back?" He giggles, twisting his kagune so that my insides churn along with it, a cry tearing from my lungs whilst more tears run down my face. "Use those pretty little demon powers of yours!" He spits, wrenching his arm back and leaving my blood to pour from my open wound in what most would see as an endless flow.

"S-Screw you," I hiss, not daring to do what he wishes for me to. I know that he wants me to activate my powers; if I do and Kaneki shows up when they're out in the open, he'll feel betrayed because I've lied to him. And Tsukiyama will use that moment of weakness to get to him. Like fuck I'm gonna let that happen!

"What a shame," Tsukiyama sighs, his eyes flickering up to the clock, observing the time. But I've been counting every minute; it's kept my mind off of the pain, though I can't say it's done a great job at it. It was 26 minutes ago that he called Kaneki. Which means that he has 4 minutes left to get here before my fingers start getting sliced off, one per minute as Tsukiyama promised.

However, he then turns back to me, a sickening smirk on his lips that causes my heart to take another leap out of around a hundred, his kagune slamming through me again, forcing blood to rise to my mouth, which I cough out with a strangled choke. Fucking hell... This pain. I honestly don't know how much longer I can take this! "I can't wait. Soon I'll have Kaneki-kun all to myself~!" Tsukiyama cries, as if in ecstasy, making me feel sick towards his sheer excitement to tear the flesh off of another ghoul. I'm seriously surprised that he hasn't tried to take mine yet, though, apparently, demon flesh amounts to the taste of poison to ghouls. Hey, I'm not complaining!

"You're a sick bastard," I choke as he once again tugs his kagune free, forcing blood to spill at a faster rate, all of it pooling on the floor in a crimson puddle that soaks my clothing. However, he doesn't respond, his eyes tracking back to the clock, like he's an eager kid waiting for midnight on Christmas Eve. Or is that just me?

Just as the hand ticks round to mark 29 minutes, the door suddenly crashes open and the sound of ragged pants tears through the air in an instant, though they hitch into a gasp that I know all too well by now.

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