Chapter Seven: Bad Blood

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See didn't I say I'd get this chapter up quickly? I keep my promises :3 But little story to go with this chapter...

So I was writing it and I got like 100 words in and then I decided to look to my right and there was a wasp right next to my face. I literally screamed so loud, threw my laptop onto my bed and my glasses across the room and legged it. I had to get my neighbor round whilst I just cowered in my PJs and Kaneki hoodie until he got rid of it x'D

Story time over

I can't help it I have a phobia! But I got the chapter finished anyways so...

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



This hunger. It's agony, which makes it so much more satisfying when I manage to fulfill it, no matter whose blood graces my lips in order for me to reach that goal. Flesh is like a drug; it's addictive. I wouldn't have realized that if it weren't for Kaneki forcing me to take it to begin with. I was so reluctant then. But now? I can't help but take pleasure from consuming as much as I can, never wanting to stop myself since only few things bring me such a euphoric rush. Blood. Flesh. Combined, it's complete perfection. Sanity may argue otherwise, but I no longer care for its opinion. All that matters is satisfying my lust. Everything else is irrelevant.

Sinking my teeth into the flesh of my newest victim once more, I allow myself to grin as a feeling of ecstasy overrides me, the crimson essence of my prey slithering down my throat after performing a symphonic dance over my taste buds, luring me to further devour more. So I do; I bury my teeth into his neck, ripping away at it whilst he screams in agony, though I pay him no attention. His well-being doesn't matter to me; flesh is all I care about. Humans are insignificant.

However, when I draw out again so that I can take yet another bite, gasping down a heavy breath, a hand grapples around my wrist, both of my own pressed against the shoulders of my prey to keep him pinned to the floor, incapable of resisting. But this small action forces me to focus properly upon who it is that I've chosen to feed from. And, in an instant, my complete and utter desire to consume his flesh is eradicated when my eyes fixate on burning, turquoise ones.


Gasping, I stumble off of his body, my hand gradually finding its way to my mouth as I stare down at the mangled body of my brother, blood pulsing from the wound on his neck at a dangerous rate, telling me that I probably bit into the artery. He's going to bleed to death! I can't lose my brother! He's the only family I have left! He can't die by my hand; he just can't!

"Yukio," I whimper, collapsing to my knees next to his battered and bloody form, my hand grasping onto his limp one as tears quickly prickle the corners of my eyes. His hand's so cold. It's like he's nothing more than an empty shell waiting for death to take him from me. "You can't die. I-I won't lose you too because of me!" I cry, though it's broken up by a sob, my canines piercing my bottom lip when I find that I'm biting down on it so hard that I'm able to draw blood. I can't help it; I don't want to cry. Because, if I do, I'm admitting to myself that he's gonna die.

"R-i-n," Yukio barely breathes, using everything he has to give my hand a small squeeze in return, my eyes never leaving his face as he shows me one of the smallest smiles I've ever seen upon his features, though it's warped by the blood that trails from the corner of his mouth. Choking in a breath, I hold onto his hand with a tighter grip, my free one forcing a few tears away from my eyes, though they're instantly replaced by fresh ones that tumble down my cheeks.

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