Chapter Eleven: Toxic

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We're so freaking close to 1000 reads omg!! But I'm back at school for another month now... So I'm currently dying ;-; I'm sure I'll be fiiiiiine (if I die, I want you to carry on my fanfictions, YukiKiryu56!)

Okay, enough with being stupid x'D Here's the next chapter and I hope it's all good nd stuff like that (these author's notes are getting worse and worse I swear)

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



Well, I can honestly say that, judging by the over-the-top appearance of Tsukiyama, I'm a little disappointed. The place he instructed me to go to is nothing but a petite cafe that hugs one of the small streets of the 20th Ward, which surprises me since I thought Anteiku was the only one. No, it's just the one I have to work at until it literally feels as if my bones have been ground into dust. I have Touka to thank for that bull.

Nonetheless, I guess I can't judge a book by its cover; I did that with Kaneki and look where I am now. He's probably the only guy in this entire freaking world I can actually trust! I'm sure that, whatever it is that awaits me behind these doors, it's going to be much more intimidating than what I'm currently looking at. And I'm terrified.

Swallowing a deep breath, I shakily grip onto the handle of the door, applying pressure until I hear the click that signals that I'm free to enter. As I do, a small bell jungles merrily, though its chime cuts through me uncomfortably, causing my nerves to swell in an instant. Man, this is so freaky! To know I'm gonna be all alone with the purple pervert in a deserted cafe creeps the shit outta me. But it's my own fault; I'm too scared to tell Kaneki the truth, so I don't have any choice but to go through this to conceal my secret. I never want him to find out about what I really am.

"Good evening, Rin-kun! Glad you could join me on this delightful night," Tsukiyama giggles from the corner of the shop, a shiver instantly shooting up my spine as I mechanically turn to face him, my muscles extremely tense and not showing any signs of uncoiling themselves from their tightened states. Just brilliant. "Don't be shy. Why not come and sit with me?" Because you'll waste no time in ripping my freaking flesh apart! Well... That's what I wanna say. However, I keep my mouth shut, stiffly walking over to him, treating him as I have since the second I met him: like a predator.

"Tsukiyama," I say with so little emotion, you'd think that I'm nothing but a machine who's been programmed to say it, my hands gripped into fists as I take a seat opposite him, the light that illuminates the shop causing the shine on his indigo hair to glow golden. As I do, he giggles a small bit, his eyes never breaking from mine as I settle into the chair, though the tension is obvious in the way I move.

"Relax, Rin-kun. You're my guest," he mutters too pleasantly, only making me fear him even more; the way that he's acting so nonchalant when I know what he's going to do to me is enough to freak me out to the max. But I can't let him notice my terror, my lips pressing themselves into a straight line as I attempt to let my muscles loosen, Tsukiyama taking a sip of his coffee. Why the heck is he wasting time with formality? I wish he'd just get to it so I can leave! Then again, the thought of going home to a furious Kaneki kinda puts me off that idea. I swear, today has just been one huge screw-up after the next.

"Why're you agreeing to keep my secret?" I mutter, taking the cup that he pushes in my direction, clasping it in my palms as I slurp up a steady sip, observing him over the rim as he pulls a sweet smile, pushing his hair to the side. It's a genuine question; I don't understand why he'd do such a thing. Is my flesh really enough payment for it?

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