Chapter Seventeen: You Found Me

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So this chapter took too long to write ._. I planned out most of the story the other night and, since we're gonna be moving onto the 2nd third of this story, I worked out that the 3rd third is gonna be starting at around chapter 31!! So this story's gonna be long to say the least, which I really don't have a problem with. More time to spend with my OTP <3

Anyhoozles, ima let you get on now :3

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



Instant panic fills me with every passing second that the cell in my hand spends vibrating, desperately trying to encourage me to pick up so that I can have my ear screamed off by my brother. I don't need this. I don't need him calling now! Especially after everything that just happened; I know for a fact that he's gonna order me to go back to True Cross, but there's no way I can since I as good as lost control just now. How the fuck am I supposed to try and return to my old way of life when I'm still apparently unstable as a ghoul?

"Do I have to answer?" I whimper, looking up at Kaneki with worried eyes, though he appears to have no idea how to react in the slightest, his shoulders rolling into a shrug to confirm that he doesn't have a clue. Brilliant.

"You probably should. I mean, it's your brother. Even if it's the first time I'm hearing about him!" Kaneki somewhat snaps, forcing me to flinch with a nervous chuckle, only now realizing that I haven't ever mentioned Yukio to him in the time that we've spent together. What can I say? It never came up in conversation! But he doesn't understand; it's not that easy! If I answer, Yukio will know I'm in perfect shape to go home again. He'll be able to read it in my voice.

"But... He's gonna try to force me to go back to True Cross! I can't do that, Kaneki. Not after what just happened!" I exclaim, trying to convince him, as well as myself, why it would be perfectly fine to just ignore Yukio and act as if I have no idea that he's phoning me. But, if I did that, he might think that something terrible's happened to me. Why is it suddenly so hard to take a damn call?! Sighing, Kaneki pushes his hair out of his frustrated eyes, his hand weaving into my own as he gives me a small, yet reassuring, smile, my nerves quickly settling a little.

"It'll be fine, Rin. If you just explain without explaining, you won't have to go back," he murmurs soothingly, my eyes flickering back down to my cell as it continues to buzz for my attention, a breath hitching in my throat. Explain without explaining. Bend the truth. Is that really gonna work? I mean, Yukio's known me his whole life. I doubt he's gonna buy any bull I try to spout, though I don't think I really have a choice. He won't let up until I give in and answer his attempts to contact me.

Breathing in a shaky breath, I look at Kaneki one final time, his hand giving mine a tight squeeze before I finally hold down the green button, hesitantly pressing the phone against my pointed ear as I nibble on my bottom lip, the feeling of nervousness never fleeing from my system.

"H-Hey, Yukio!" I squeak, my voice cracking horribly as I do, which I instantly regret when Kaneki starts silently laughing, desperately trying to hold in his giggles so that he doesn't make any noise at all. Just brilliant; as well as waiting for my brother to chew me out, I have my freaking boyfriend taking the piss out of me at the same time!

"Rin! Where the heck have you been?! We've all been worried sick ever since we found out that you weren't with Mephisto!" Yukio yells down the phone, causing me to wince since his voice cries into my ear at such a high volume, it physically hurts. However, underneath all of the clear rage that wells within his tone, I also manage to detect the way it quivers with fear.

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