Chapter Three: Everything Has Changed

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In case you weren't already aware, I'm trying to name most of these chapters after songs x'D The lyrics don't apply to the chapters, but they're song titles and I wanna take this up as some kind of challenge >:D


But anyhoo, ya this chapter's up quick but meh... I got bored :3 Soooo

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX

(Also the song linked is by my favorite YouTube singer, Natewantstobattle and I just love this version of the song way too much <3)


Staggering back with a sharp gasp, I find myself colliding with Mephisto's desk, which I grip onto with such a force, I manage to crush the wood completely, the splinters littering my palm whilst I struggle to hold in a scream. My eye... It's just like Shoki's! Does that mean... Does that mean I've become what she is?! Did me taking her organs and blood change me into a ghoul?! This doesn't make any sense!

"But I'm not... I-I can't be! I'M NOT!" I cry out, my eyes beading with fearful tears whilst my hands just tremble uncontrollably, my entire body shivering with terror towards what I've just seen. "There's no way," I whimper, not breaking my eyes away from my petrified reflection and the single ghoul eye that glares back at me, as if it's taunting me. Mocking me.

Unable to take it any more, before Mephisto can even hope to try and calm me down, I'm out of his office in a heartbeat, my legs carrying me through the hallways of True Cross at such a fast pace, all that surrounds me is jumbled blurs. Above my panting, I hear ominous thunder start to roll overhead when I finally break outside, already burning up and out of breath. But I still push myself, ignoring the dizziness that I'm beginning to feel from the lack of nutrition that I've had during the month that I've been in a coma. The month I spent changing into even more of a monster than I already am.

Only when rain starts lashing down from the sky in freezing veils of water do I realize that my cheeks are already sodden from my own tears, both the warm and cold liquids mixing together to completely soak my features in a sorrowful, silver hue. Despite the weather deciding to attack me head-on, I pump my legs to go faster, desperate to escape from here and the truth that awaits me at every mirror. From now on, I never want to see my reflection again. I don't think I'd be able to bear the torture.

In all honesty, I don't know where I'm going in the slightest; the storm's blinding me as it teams up with my tears to completely obscure my vision, though I still keep running, as if I'll escape the truth if I do. As another rumble rolls overhead, I flinch a little since my head is already pounding without the addition of any other sounds, the clapping of the thunder tearing through my skull.

Eventually, my legs start going rigid, desperate for rest whilst my body aches with exhaustion, begging me for just a second to stop and catch my breath. The second I notice the pain of the ringing tightness that constricts my limbs, I collapse to my knees, my jeans instantly becoming sodden from the rainwater that's pooled on the ground surrounding me. I must be in the town; there's the feeling of solid cobbles below my legs, which complain about the exertion that I've put them through, though I'm focusing more on the way that my heart seems to contract with every breath I draw.

"Why me? Why did this happen to me? My life has always been hell from the second I was born. So why...? WHY WAS I TURNED INTO A GHOUL?!" I scream into the storm, nothing but a flash of lightening cracking open the midnight sky in an ivory streak replying to me, though I'm too absorbed in my own sobs to acknowledge it, my emotions tearing into thousands of pieces within the space of just a few seconds. I just don't understand. It's not fair! It wasn't enough that I had to be the freaking son of Satan; I'm being punished again for a crime that I didn't commit. "What did I do wrong?" I whimper, hanging my head so that one of my tears can shatter against the puddle of silver that I'm kneeling in, appearing as broken as I feel inside.

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