Chapter Twenty-Five: Pressure

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I know... It's been forever (2 weeks give or take) and I'm sooooooo sorry ;~; I missed my baybehs too, don't worry! I was just on holiday in Cyprus and I literally got home at 5am this morning after a 5 hour flight, on which I didn't sleep so I was pretty much awake the whole night :L But I still had to get this chapter written because I missed writing this story so much and I love my little babies too much to leave them, though Kaneki isn't in this chapter much tbh... Eh

So yeah, if it's not great, that'll be why; I'm tired as all hell but I'll put up with it for you guys x'D

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



For a few seconds, Yukio, Kaneki and I just stare at each other in a silent standoff, none of us really sure how to react in the slightest; my twin brother just walked in on me touching up my fucking boyfriend whilst frenching him! However, once those brief moments tick by in an agonizing manner, I suddenly spring off of Kaneki, practically tumbling to the floor as I slide off of his lap, which he proceeds to cover up with the closest pillow to hide his hard-on. Which means I have absolutely no way of concealing my own.

"DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?!" I scream at my twin brother, whose turquoise irises are still a little wide, as if he's unable to process what he just saw. In all honesty, if I saw him making out with another guy, I'd probably freak out as well. However, the second I yell these words at him, my cheeks extremely hot and most likely burning a painfully bright crimson colour, a wave of calm soon rushes over Yukio, though I can tell that he's trying to not completely lose his shit, eyes constantly flickering between me and an extremely embarrassed Kaneki, who can barely break his gaze away from the desk in front of him. Talk about a supportive boyfriend. Then again, it kinda was my fault.

"Rin, can I speak with you please... Alone?" Yukio inquires in as laid-back a tone as he can manage, re-positioning his glasses, most likely so that he can hide the look that he's got cooped up in his aqua irises, though it's pointless since I know my twin better than anyone. He's pissed. Which is an understatement. And, though I can't really blame him, if he's gonna bitch at me, he might as well do it in front of Kaneki.

"No. If you wanna say something, you can say it in front of him as well," I state, my gaze quickly locking with Kaneki's for a few seconds before he breaks his eyes away, what looks to be guilt swimming through his features. I forgot he blames everything on himself. I was the one that kissed him. I was the one that forgot about Yukio. So none of this is his fault, though I doubt he'll let me tell him that. He'll probably say that he should've reminded me or pushed me off or something. He's just weird like that, though I can't help but love him anyways.

"I want to speak with you privately, Rin," Yukio spits through gritted teeth, a much more authoritative tone catching onto his voice as he does, causing me to wince a little at the harshness; he's only ever like that when he wants to discuss a serious issue. And, as serious as homosexuality may be to some people, I doubt it's the only thing my brother wishes to talk about. Yeah... Maybe it would be best if Kaneki wasn't around for this.

"Fine," I grumble, though I don't follow him out of the room instantly; instead, I turn on the spot and make my way over to Kaneki, folding around him so that I can place a light kiss on his lips, whispering that I'll be right back into his ear before leaving his side, meeting the eyes of a very frustrated-looking Yukio. He's gonna chew me out big time, isn't he?

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