Chapter Thirty: White Silence

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Heartbreaking media for any of you who decided you wanted to slap Kaneki last chapter... HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW?!

Sorry x'D I really don't blame you guys; that was a little bit harsh. But remember that he barely got any sleep the night before because of the nightmare of his boyfriend fucking dying *spoilers if you're only here for this chapter for some strange reason*

Yup the literal cause for that outburst was exhaustion... I'm not even kidding x'D But anyhoo, the pic for the media took me a good 10 minutes to do because I had to pretty much count down from 1000 by 7 until I ran out of space ._.

(it was actually pretty therapeutic tbh...)

Anyhoo, I'll let ya get on now to even more feels :D Yaaaaaaaaay!!

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



Before I know what's happening, a palm suddenly collides with my face, causing my head to snap to the side as a bitter stinging sensation sizzles across my skin, a hiss of pain slipping through my gritted teeth.

"What's wrong with you?! You have no idea what Rin's been through!" Shiemi cries with an anger that I've never heard in her voice before thick in her tone, my eyes flickering in her direction to see her visibly quivering with rage, her hands crumpled into fists at her sides. I've never seen her with anything but a smile on her face, though, now, her features are folded into a mixture of sorrow and fury, tears running from her eyes. "He's always scared of people pushing him away! H-How dare you say those things to him! If anyone's a monster, it's you!" She spits, a twist of pain instantly coiling through me as her words force me to wince, fingers curling up by my sides so that the rest of them don't notice how they tremble.

"That's enough, Moriyama. C'mon. We're all tired. We just need sleep," Shima mutters softly, though he also projects a cold look in my direction, another thing that's out of character for him. They really hate me, don't they? And rightfully so. What the fuck is wrong with me?! What the hell possessed me to say those things to Rin? I wish I could say something did, but I know that there wasn't a demonic presence attached to me when I yelled at him. It was completely my choice. What the fuck is wrong with me?!

"I... I'm going out to find him," I croak, tears beading in the corners of my eyes, though I don't permit them to fall since I know that, if I do, they're not gonna stop. I'm such a fucking idiot. Why the hell would Rin even wanna talk to me again after everything I accused him of being? He's not a monster. He's not a demon... Not in my eyes. Why did I push him away like that?! He was begging me to believe him and I didn't. Why the hell didn't I?! Just as I make my way over to the door, Touka grasps my sleeve, tugging me back whilst she slowly shakes her head, causing a frown to knit upon my eyebrows.

"Just give him time to cool off first. No offence, but he probably doesn't wanna see you right now," Touka mutters, hurt racing through my chest as her words slam into me like somebody just threw a brick squarely at my torso. Because I know she's right. I wouldn't be surprised if Rin hated me by this point. And I deserve it all. To feel this guilt. To be hated by him and his friends. To completely and utterly hate myself.

"She's right. You've done enough damage already," Izumo hisses, my eyes darting between the three of them and the way that all of their glares agree, my hands slipping out of their tight fists so that they can quiver violently, my lips parted, as if to speak, though no words form. Clamping them shut, I bow my head and push past the small group of the people who now hate my guts, quickly breaking into a sprint the second I'm away from them until I'm shut away in my old room here in Anteiku, the door firmly locked behind me.

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