Chapter Five: Coffee's For Closers

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Fall Out Boy FTW >:D

Sorry... But that song is fabulous :3 Anyhoo, here's yet another chapter that I wrote yesterday but decided to hold back until today...


I was busy today buying even more Attack on Titan posters (I have three now and my walls are now full of anime posters ._. I have an addiction I swear to God)

But whatever keeps me happy... Right?

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"Ah, Kaneki-kun. I gather you managed to carry out what I'd asked of you," Yoshimura-san's wise and aged voice sounds softly from the other side of the room as I hesitantly take a few steps into it, clasping my hands behind my back until I have to part them to push the door to a close. He beckons for me to take a seat and I comply right away, placing myself down whilst he slides a mug in my direction, my fingers curling around the handle so that I can bring it to my lips.

"Yeah. But I still don't understand why you sent me in the first place. I mean, I know it's a good thing I was there, but was that really by chance?" I can't help but wonder that each time I allow my mind to stray; he'd told me to visit True Cross Academy but never said why. And, though it was lucky that I was around when I was so that I could save Rin from death, it just seems to all fit together way too well to be nothing more than mere coincidence. However, it's not like Yoshimura-san can see into the future; there was no way he could've known what was going to happen to Rin. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

"It was requested of me by an old friend. That's all I'm able to say as it's all I know. I'm unsure of why he asked for me to send you, however, that's to do with him. It has nothing to do with me." Frowning, I curl my lip over the rim of the mug, sipping at the coffee inside it whilst I try to think of who he could be talking about. He's still being vague; who's this 'old friend' he's talking about? For some reason, my mind jumps to that guy I took Rin back to after I found him near death in that alley. I only think of him because, when I did, he looked as if he... I don't know. Expected it?

Allowing silence to settle, we both just kinda stare down at our mugs, my eyes being reflected back at me through the mahogany-coloured liquid, the look of uneasiness clear in my gaze. Something just doesn't feel right. I don't want to say that I feel as if whoever called Yoshimura-san intended for Rin to go through what he did, however, I just can't shake the feeling that that's the case. Maybe I'm thinking too far into it. Perhaps it really was just all an accident. A coincidence.

"So what're we gonna do? With Rin I mean. I can tell he's in pain 'cause every time he smiles or laughs, the look never leaves his eyes. But he refuses to admit it," I explain, running my hand through my hair as I sigh, getting agitated just thinking about it. I know Rin barely knows me, however, I just wish he'd open up to me. Show some sign of negativity. I don't like being lied to.

"Well I think it's obvious that you're the only one he's going to trust, Kaneki-kun. For now, I suggest you and him stay by one another." As Yoshimura-san suggests this, I nod in agreement, finishing off my coffee as I prepare to stand, stretching myself out a little. "As for you... How are you?" He asks, my entire body freezing up a little whilst my gaze flits away, my fingers curling around my chin as I shrug.

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