Chapter Fifteen: Somebody To You

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For all of you fangirls out there, this chapter's for you ;D I had so much damn fun writing it and almost died from fangirling on multiple occasions x'D But I'm alive and ready to get the next chapter written, where we get to see Blue Exorcist come more into the mix as opposed to just having Rin in the Tokyo Ghoul universe ;) I can't wait! But until then,

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"I still freaking ache," I whine as I tug on one of Kaneki's sweaters, which I've stolen since I just feel like wearing his clothes today; mine get a bit boring after a while so I like to mix things up a bit. As I do, he just scowls at me, as if it's a sin for me to admire his clothing, though it does hang off of my shoulders and drown my torso since he's a few inches taller than I am. I guess it's because he's 19, whereas I only turned 16 a few months ago. "What?" I inquire, Kaneki just shaking his head as he roots around for something to cover the upper half of his body with. Seriously, he's been walking around in nothing but jeans on for at least the past five minutes. Not that that's a bad thing.

"I dunno what to wear," he mutters, pouting as he places a finger to his lips in thought, my shoulders slackening as I sigh.

"Clothes?" I suggest, giggling when Kaneki shoots a glare at me before going back to searching through his drawers, his brow creased in thought. I don't see why he's so worried about what to wear when we're only going to the park. Then again, we are going on a date. Oh crap, now I feel really underdressed in Kaneki's over-sized, navy jumper and my ebony skinny-jeans.

"I guess this'll do," Kaneki suddenly mutters, pulling his head out of the array of clothing before him to hold up a white shirt with short sleeves that, if wet, would become extremely see-through. Stop right there with those looks! I'm not gonna try anything, jeez! But still.

Whilst he buttons the shirt up, I run my fingers through my hair, quickly darting into the bathroom to check how I look, as well as doing a breath-test and all of the other final protocols that every person about to go on a date does. And I have to say that I think I look pretty decent, which I wouldn't usually say. I mean, sure, the sweater matches my hair colour, which appears a little strange, but I'm sure that won't matter. If worse comes to worst, I can just take off the extra layer to reveal the tight, ivory tee I wear underneath, which barely conceals my tail. Though it'd be wise to wrap it around my leg, I decide against it since I'm pretty sure I don't plan on getting wet.

As I'm busy sorting myself out, I don't realize that Kaneki's behind me until his arms wrap around my front, his chin resting on my shoulder as he too looks into the mirror, placing a small wad of material in my palm. Of course... I forgot about the fact that I'm still a ghoul-in-training. Sighing, I slip the eye-patch on, blinking a few times to get myself used to the partial blindness again before facing Kaneki, whose hands move to hold my own.

"Ready?" I ask with a small smile, Kaneki nodding as he turns to exit the bathroom, though I do one final check before following suit, nerves fluttering in my stomach, making me feel a little anxious. Is it weird that I'm so desperate for this to go well?

"Rin, you know you're shaking, right?" Kaneki mutters as we enter the park, though we're barely close to the lake at this point. Nonetheless, we walked here with our hands laced together the whole time, though Kaneki's only just seemed to have noticed my nerves, my cheeks quickly flushing ruby.

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