Chapter Fourteen: Last Night

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So there was more I wanted to get into this chapter, I'm not gonna lie. But even still, I had fun writing this chapter just because it's freaking happy for once! I mean, not that MY OTP FREAKING KISSING wasn't happy.

Be honest, how many of you fangirled when that happened? Because I died a little... Ngl...

Anyhoo, now y'all get to watch them get all cute and couply :D

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX

(Just as a reminder, there are only 2 days left to vote in the Summer Anime Watty Awards for this story in the crossover category! So, if you wanna help this story get close to winning, go vote! But you don't have to if you don't wanna :3)



With a soft moan slipping from the back of my throat, I allow my eyes to lazily flutter open, though I instantly shut them again when they're attacked with the light that floods the room from the morning sun. And, though I'd usually throw my arm over my eyes to shield them from the overexposure, I'm unable to this morning as they're protectively cradling Kaneki against me, my left one draped around his waist as he softly sleeps.

After what happened last night, I realized that he's a million times more fragile than I ever would've thought; he always acts so strong and capable when around me. I think last night was the first time I ever saw him show true weakness and fear. And it was horrible. Which is why I swore to myself that I'd protect him as much as I can since he seems to be doing the exact same for me as well. It's time I got my shit together and returned the favor.

With a small whimper, Kaneki begins to stir in my arms, a couple of groans sounding from him as he drags his head off of the pillow, waiting a few seconds before looking over his shoulder to find me smiling at him a little. Tugging the corner of his mouth into an appreciative smirk, he rests his head down again, sighing as he holds onto my arms.

"I thought it was a dream," he mutters in a tone that I can only describe as relieved, to which I respond by giving him a reassuring squeeze, though I can feel my cheeks starting to burn with a blush. I have to admit, I didn't know where that came from... The kiss, I mean. And, though most would say it was just random and out of nowhere, that isn't really how it feels. I definitely meant it. I just don't know if Kaneki will think of it in that way.

"Well it wasn't. I really... C-Care about you, Kaneki," I stutter, cringing at how awkwardly it came out. I can't help it; I've never felt this way about anyone before! Cut me some damn slack, will ya! Laughing a little, Kaneki rolls onto his other side so that I can lock my eyes with his silver ones, which catch the sunlight to glow even brighter.

"You've never done this before, have you?" He giggles, only making my face go an even deeper shade of ruby, though I'm unable to hide it from him since he's literally inches away from me. And there's no way in hell I can't blush! I have no idea what's wrong with me! Is this seriously what it's like to be crushing on someone? Sighing, I shake my head, only making him chuckle more.

"Never," I respond with a whine, my forehead resting on his as I bite down on my lip, trying to stop myself from looking like a complete idiot whilst Kaneki just laughs, only making me feel worse. But he has every right to find the way I'm acting funny; I'm embarrassed as all hell!

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