Chapter Twenty: Everything's Alright

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This chapter... Oh this chapter. It went in a different direction to what I intended... And I fucking love it >:D Be prepared for something that I added in on impulse and definitely don't regret ;) (I'm such a freaking pervert ._.)

Anyhoozles, ima leave now :3

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



Rin? Why's your friend sad? Kuro's voice inquires in my head as he curiously nudges Kaneki, who's slumped on my bed whilst he waits to dry off so that we can go to Cram School, though we've probably missed at least half of it by now. However, he has his head bowed, the occasional tear dripping from his face so that it can splatter in a crystal puddle on the floor, each one sending more pain through my heart. I wish he wouldn't beat himself up about this so much, even though I'd probably do exactly the same if I were in his position. But since I'm not, I can't empathize. And I hate it.

Placing myself down next to him, I lace my arm around his quivering shoulders, his body still shaking just as it was when I was washing the blood off of him in the shower. Despite the water being boiling hot, it still didn't quell his terrified shivers. However, he doesn't seem to notice me, his eyes locked with a single spot on the floor in front of him, as if it'll reveal the end to his suffering if he stares at it long enough.

"Kaneki. Talk to me," I whisper in his ear, nuzzling my nose against his cheek as I pull him closer, a soft kiss fluttering over his skin when it comes into contact with my lips. I'm so damn worried about him; he's not said anything since he explained what had happened, remaining mute and distant. No matter what I do to try and reach him, he never responds. "Come on. You're scaring me," I continue, pressing my lips to his cheek a second time before I use my finger to sweep his hair away from his eyes, though it falls back almost instantly in a white veil that hides his emotions from me. It's as if the world is against me trying to soothe him.

Sighing, I drop my arm from around him, getting to my feet whilst my left hand pushes locks of navy away from my head, trying to settle the headache that's been summoned from me attempting to hold back my tears. What if he never goes back to normal? What if he remains as nothing but a lifeless shell forever? I can't just let that happen; the boy I love will disappear! I... I can't lose him! I just can't.

All of a sudden, I feel a freezing cold hand grasp onto my own, causing a breath to hitch in my throat before I whirl around to face Kaneki, who stares at me with a tearful gaze that breaks my heart, though I can't deny that I'm feeling a little better towards the fact that he's much more animated than before. However, he doesn't do just that; as soon as he's got me in his grip, he suddenly tugs me back towards him until my lips crash into his, a small whimper escaping from him as he clamps me in his grasp.

As usual, I don't resist him, though my head's spinning without any kind of definite end. I seriously don't understand how, one second, he's practically unable to do a single thing and then, the next, he's making out with me! Then again, it's not as if I'm complaining; the way that he kisses me with such a force, larger than he's ever used before, does something crazy to my stomach, sending it into tight coils. Especially when I feel his tongue dabbing against my lips, demanding entrance into my mouth.

I only hesitate for about half a second before I allow him to slip his tongue past my lips, gently lapping at my own as he pulls me even closer, a muffled moan whining from the back of my throat when I feel the heat of my body begin to rise in temperature. Speaking of my body, Kaneki's hands constantly weave over it, tracing the slight curves of my waist and hips until one of them slips over my butt, a startled squeak yelping through the frenching session as it does. This guy. Was he freaking planning this or something?

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