Chapter Thirty-One: Let the Flames Begin

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This is it. This is the big one, though it's NOT the end of the story! I promise you guys that much :3 But yes... This is where all the shit goes down and I'd like to thank the people in the comments who were having an argument last chapter (you know who you are) for giving me a small idea for this chapter, though I already had it planned for at least a month now x'D

So I won't keep you any more... Just... Be prepared for feels m'kay?

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



Demon. That's all I am. That's all I'll ever be in the eyes of any who gaze upon me for the disgusting monster I've become. Why did I think that anybody would ever see me differently? What made me so sure that Kaneki would truly accept me for the beast I am? Why did I fool myself into that idea? Now he hates me and the pain I feel shattering through my heart, proceeding to tear through my limbs at a rapid pace, is worse than having my lung torn apart. It hurts more than bleeding out. Because it's a hurt from which I'm never going to find relief.

I still love him. I still love Kaneki more than anything I've ever known, despite all of the things he said to me back there. I can't help it; all he's given me since we met is support, constantly caring for me in a way that nobody ever has before. He's made me feel cherished and worth something, even if it's exclusive to just him. He saved me. And, no matter what he does, nor what he says, there's nothing I can do but be completely and utterly in love with him. Which is why this pain is so great. Why him spitting the word 'demon' at me stings so much whenever I think about it. I love him... But he hates me.

Eventually, after God knows how many minutes of non-stop running, a dull ache begins to twist through my body, starting in my legs until everything is completely consumed, a weakness washing over me like a tidal wave that wishes to bring down anything in its path. Unable to hold my weight any more, after slowing to a lifeless walk, I collapse to my knees in the center of town, cupping my face in my hands as I just weep, my form trembling with each fresh sob. I'm alone. Once again, I'm all alone, abandoned by the people who love me, more tears leaping to my eyes when I consider that thought. I... I have no one.

"What's it like living with a broken heart, demon?" A voice suddenly hisses from the shadows, the tone sickly sweet as the speaker inquires with a small giggle to her voice, causing ice to rapidly splinter through me as I suck in a sharp gasp, only encouraging her cackles to grow in volume. I know that voice. I know that laughter. But it can't be. Th-There's no way! "Did you miss me, Rin?" She squeaks, my skin paling as I gradually raise my tear-filled eyes to stare directly in front of me, only to be met by a blur of sakura.

"You're not real. You can't be. I-I killed you!" I wail, terror instantly lacing through me when I remove the liquid from my eyes, able to get a better image of the girl in my vision, a thick lump forming in my throat the second my suspicions are confirmed, my hands beginning to tremble at my sides. I... I can't believe it.

Shoki's still alive.

Giggling in an insane manner, Shoki tilts back her head so that her maniacal laughter can tear through the silence of the night, a wince forming on my features as I try to clamber to my feet, though she quickly snaps her eyes in my direction, her kagune racing from the base of her back so that she can punch holes through my hands and legs, keeping me pinned to the ground whilst I release a pained scream.

"You got close. And I was very offended; I just wanted a decent meal. I'm sure you can understand that now, right?" She hisses, my teeth clenched together whilst I hiss out pained breaths, anger swirling through my blood at her words when she reminds me that, not only am I demon, but I'm also what most people in this world consider to be a monster too, my kakugan activating, as if on cue.

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