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WOW it's been a while, hasn't it? This story has been complete for the longest time, and it was the second story I ever completed. 

That being said, I am going to be completely rewriting it in its entirety, start to finish. Don't get me wrong, this story holds a massive place in my heart, but I tried to read parts of it a few days ago and could't even get through a single chapter.

My style has changed a lot since I wrote this back when I was 16, and I feel like it's time for an UPGRADE

I WILL be publishing it as a separate story, so if you're a fan of this one and enjoyed it, then you'll have a blast with the rewrite. A lot of the elements are going to stay the same, but there are going to be some BRAND NEW story arcs, alongside a lot more development with Kaneki and Rin, as well as their relationship in general.

I'll also be patching up a LOT of plot holes, and working in the reasoning why Rin was even turned into a ghoul in the first place.

My writing has really improved, and I love this story too much to not give it the version it deserves.

Now that that's out of the way, here's the BRAND NEW BLURB and I hope you all join me when I publish the first chapter of the rewrite soon!!



Life isn't fair. Nobody knows this better than Rin Okumura. Son of Satan. Struggling with his exorcist studies. 

And far too nice for his own good.

But, when his kindness backfires on him, life offers one last glimmer of hope. Despite a newly-found hunger for human flesh, this half-demon, half-ghoul is given a second chance.

Which, perhaps, wasn't the best idea.

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