Chapter Twenty-One: Demons

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Omg this chapter made me giggle towards the end x'D I'll leave y'all to figure out why, but just know that it's gonna make people who ship BonxShima very happy :3

I love you guys so... ALL THE GAY >:D

Also I FINALLY got 300 followers and I squealed so hard x'D So ya... Lemme shut up now and give you all what you've been waiting for ;)

(this chapter's just preparing you for extreme feels next chapter... js)

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"What's wrong? You've gone pale," I state whilst fiddling with the ends of my blazer's sleeves, my stomach coiling up with each new second I spend looking at my boyfriend's hopelessly perplexed expression. I honestly can't believe I forgot to mention that demons are an actual thing as opposed to nothing more than creatures of myth and legend. But I'm also surprised that he's never gotten suspicious before; it's obvious to any that meet Kuro that he's not a normal cat, yet Kaneki didn't even stop to question it! Then again, I guess I was just too scared to tell him about demons just in case he started to connect the dots that I've been desperately concealing from him from the day we met.

"'What's wrong'?! Are you fucking serious, Rin?! First of all, your brother's a freaking teacher! And not just an ordinary teacher; he's a fucking exorcist! Which brings me onto the second thing. Demons?!"Kaneki yells, finally releasig all of his pent up confusion in the form of a rage-filled rant, one that I can't exactly blame him for. However, that doesn't stop my ears from pressing themselves into the navy strands of my hair to hide away from the abrasive volume that they're being assaulted with, my body simultaneously flinching. 

Noticing the way that I wince, Kaneki's features soon soften, a small sigh escaping from him as he rubs his face, a light groan seeping from the back of his throat. "Sorry. It's just... A lot to take in," he breathes, sounding a little defeated if I'm completely honest. I really don't think I've done him any good by bottling up all of this information just so I can spring it on him all in one go. And now I feel like a jerk for doing that to him.

"I should've said something earlier, I know. But you worry enough about me as it is. I didn't wanna make you worry even more by telling you that I fight actual demons," I admit, hanging my head with a heavy sigh, though I'm forced to look back up at Kaneki when he places a hand to my cheek, cradling it in the warmth of his palm. I can never tell when this guy's mad at me any more; it seems that, whenever I manage to piss him off, he instantly forgives me and treats it as if it's nothing. But, again, I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I can only hope that, if he ever finds out about what I really am, he'll have the same approach; I couldn't bear to lose him. I need him... More than I've needed anyone in a long time.

"Rin... I'm always gonna worry about you. Fighting demons or not, I'm never gonna stop being terrified of anything happening to you. But you could've at least given me a little bit of warning," Kaneki explains with a chuckle, pressing his forehead to mine after ensuring that the door into the classroom behind us is sealed to a close so that nobody inside there can see us doing 'coupley' things. Kaneki and I both agreed that it would probably be for the best that we keep the whole 'gay' thing a secret for now since everyone's already pissed off that I ditched them without any kind of warning. I don't exactly want to make things worse by revealing my sexuality to all of the people that think I'm 100% straight.

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