EPILOGUE: Stole the Show

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Here it is. The epilogue...

If you're prone to nosebleeds, I suggest you find a little hole to curl up in with a lot of tissues because the smut is real in this part ;D

So ya, you have been warned. I'll just give the smut warning right now because it's pretty much right away x'D

Also, information on the sequel will be released in an A/N chapter that I'll be posting later tonight :3

So, for the last time in this story...

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"See? Told you it'd work," I mutter with a smirk from over Kaneki's shoulder, admiring his reflection as he sighs with a light smile, my fingers running over his stomach whilst warmth pulses through me each time my heart beats. I've been doing pretty much everything I can over the past few months to make sure that Kaneki gets his health back into shape, which means that I've forced him to eat, sleep and also work out so that he can actually get a little more muscle on his bones. And it seems to have worked pretty well, though I'm a little worried that perhaps I've done too good of a job; holy shit he looks really fucking good with more tone to his form.

"Yeah I know. I've said sorry enough times though, Rin," Kaneki states in response, a small chuckle leaking from me as I nod against his neck, my arms curling around his bare torso to pull him closer whilst my tail eagerly wraps around his legs. He's right; ever since I woke up, every morning he'd apologize. Every night he'd apologize. Even when he didn't need to he would. I guess the guilt he feels is something he's not gonna easily overcome. But I honestly wish he wouldn't beat himself up about it so much; he didn't make me go out of control. That was all thanks to Shoki. It was her words that caused me to snap and lash out. However, every time I tell Kaneki that, he instantly brings it back to how I ran away in the first place because of what he said. Every time he always links it back to himself.

"Well you're looking better so that's all that matters," I murmur into his skin, Kaneki humming in response before he twists around in my arms so that he can face me, resting his palms on my hips with a lopsided smirk that always causes my heart to throb against my chest.

"I'm still convinced that I'm gonna wake up. After three months, you'd think that I'd know this is real by now," Kaneki suddenly admits, a frown knitting onto my eyebrows as I tilt my head a little, not really understanding why he still thinks this is all a dream. I've had times over the past few months where he's woken up holding me so tight I can barely breathe, begging me to wake up so he knows that I'm still alive. And it's horrible to watch; I just want his mind to accept that I'm not in that coma any more.

"You want me to prove it's not a dream?" I inquire with a raised eyebrow, Kaneki furrowing his into a look of confusion that's slowly demolished when I forcefully push my lips against his, both of them instantly fitting together like the pieces of the puzzle that is our messed up lives. But these two link into each other perfectly, softly lacing over the other in such a delicate way that still manages to tighten my chest with eagerness for more.

With the smallest whimper, I dab my tongue against his lips, which gradually part so that I can begin lapping at his tongue, a soft moan whining from Kaneki as I do, my arms tightening their grip around him so that I can pull him closer. However, just when I think that I'm about to take control, I suddenly feel his fingers twisting around my tail, a smirk forming on his mouth the second I release a sharp whine through the kiss. Damn asshole. He knows that's my sensitive spot!

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