Chapter Two: Beating Heart

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I just finished my second exam out of nine today and I'm a very happy girl so I thought I'd write this whilst the good feeling lasted ^^ It ended a little earlier than I hoped for, but I still know what's going into next chapter so I guess it's fine :3 I won't keep y'all long; I know that some of ya want to read more of this story ASAP, so here it is :D

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out my lovely peeps!XxX



Wh-What the heck? What is that; aren't I meant to be dead? I died... I'm pretty sure I bled to death. Didn't I?! So why can I hear the cold beeping of a machine that breathes out mechanical breaths and whirs all around me, my ears starting to pick out more and more noises that I shouldn't be hearing. If I'm dead, how am I listening? If I'm dead, how am I thinking?!


Again, a single sound among silence flits around the surrounding air, which I begin to suck into my being, able to feel the oxygen swirling down my throat and into my chest, which rises as it fills up with what I desperately needed earlier. Though I can barely believe it, somehow, I'm alive. I managed to survive! But... How the heck did I escape from that; I had a hole blown through my lung and was left bleeding to death in the filthy back alleys where nobody would have any chance of finding me unless they'd been with Shoki and I. And nobody was; I never spotted another soul. So how the heck was I rescued?! More importantly... Who by?

Using my new-found breath, I release a low groan from the back of my throat, gritting my teeth together before finally allowing my eyes to break open. However, the second the light attacks them with a harsh, white glare, I force them shut again, the heels of my hands rubbing them as I sit myself up. As I do, I feel a sharp tugging on the inside of my forearm, my eyes tracking down so see a small tube sticking out of my skin, a needle fixed into my flesh, which is connected to a drip. Damn, I must've been super beaten up when they got me here. Whoever did.

"Hello?" I call out hoarsely, sounding more like a croak than anything, letting my eyes spring open once again when my stomach lets out a wail of hunger, my hands pressing themselves to my abdomen as I frown. Man, I'm so hungry, I think I could eat an entire person! Not literally! Don't freak out. "Hellooooo~?!" I yell a little louder, basically reaching the maximum volume that my lungs will allow, my entire chest aching unbelievably. It's like someone's tugging at my skin, making it feel all tight and stretched over my torso. Unlike with the first time, I actually get a response to my request for information, a pair of running footsteps echoing through the hallway until two people burst into my room, Yukio's eyes wide behind his glasses whilst Shiemi's glow with relief.

"You're awake!" They both exclaim, Shiemi darting over to me so that she can launch herself on me, though, when she does, I let out a pained yelp as several of my nerves twist in agony. "Shiemi!" Yukio cries out, tugging her off of me whilst she blushes with embarrassment, biting on her lip as her eyes find the floor.

"S-Sorry, Rin," she whimpers, already sniffling, small splatters of silver falling from her eyes, making me panic. Crap! I didn't mean to make her cry; that just hurt is all!

"A-Ah it's fine! You just surprised me!" I lie, laughing nervously as I rub my nape, though I find myself scowling as the tubes tug at my arm, tangling around me. As I go to take them out, Yukio grabs my wrist and shakes his head, encouraging a frown onto my face as I rest back in the bed again, wondering why he doesn't want me removing these annoying needles. "What?" I growl a little aggressively, only now realising how panicked Yukio's eyes look, worry darting around his turquoise irises, which seem to quiver in a way that I've only seen a few times in my life before.

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