Chapter Twenty-Seven: Crossfire

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Well howdy there (because that's a thing now)! I don't think I have a lot to say about this chapter apart from ohmygodlastchapterwasoneofmyfirsttrieswritingsmuthowdidIdo?

I say ONE OF my first tries bc I have written it before... Just not a detailed hand-job... I'll stop talking x''D

So yeah, I got addicted to Minecraft today and spent half my time trying to connect with my friend on a server ._. But I managed to get this chapter done AS WELL AS next chapter :O

Uh huh... Chappies for days! Well anyhoozles, I'll leave you to read now...

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX

(Also... Edit done by me ^^ I love ghoul edits way too much :3)



"I still don't understand why we had to wait for Okumura to go through a wardrobe change!" Bon rants as our small group of exorcists make haste towards where the demon, which is apparently called a Hydra, is headed, though some of them can't drop the subject of my sudden desire to change clothes before setting out on this mission. I'd tell them all to blame Kaneki for that one, who I shoot a glare at whenever he nervously flickers his eyes in my direction, though I doubt they'd all approve of being told about my boyfriend doing that to me. I swear, if we live through this mission, I'll freaking kill him.

"Well I wanna be comfortable doing missions! Unlike you, I take pride in my appearance!" I hiss in response, Bon's eyes quickly narrowing into a glower whilst he grits his teeth, looking about ready to lunge at me if it weren't for Shima creating a human wall between us, though anger pretty much sparks off of the two of us as we growl at one another.

"What did you say?!" He spits, Shima sweatdropping in the corner of my eye when he realizes that he's sandwiched between yet another one of our arguments. If it weren't for the whole panic about this demon right now, I'd probably be beating the crap outta that asshole just for using the wrong tone with me! Then again, he'd probably have me in a headlock before I even got close.

"Will you all shut up and focus!" Yukio barks from his place at the front of our small formation, causing me to roll my eyes as I fix them back onto the path before me, leading right to the amusement park where we were assigned to track down that ghost last year. Apart from Amaimon decided to drop in to have some 'fun' with me, that freaking asshat. When we were first told the name of this place back then, I think my mind accidentally translated it as 'Meth Land' which had me inwardly giggling the whole time we were doing that mission.

"Earth to Rin!" Kaneki suddenly calls, snapping me out of my thoughts so that I can focus on him, only to find that every single head is turned in my direction, all with pissed-off looks on their faces, though it's most potent on Yukio's. I'm gonna take a guess and say that he was explaining something whilst I zoned out.

"As I was saying... This Hydra isn't the same as the ones in Greek myth. This demon works in the opposite way, so to speak. Whereas the Hydra Hercules fights in the legends regrows two heads whenever one is severed, the actual beast grows a body for every head it loses. Say I were to slice one of five heads off. The severed head would then grow itself a body and the process is pretty much endless. It acts sort of like bacteria, if you wish to use such an analogy." Bacteria. Analogy. My brother needs to learn to speak the same language as the rest of us, though, apparently, I'm the only one who thinks that when I see that everyone else is bobbing their heads in understanding. Whatever! I know what he was talking about!

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