Chapter Nineteen: Unravel

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It's a me, PikaGirl! Sorry... Mario isn't really appropriate x'D I don't really have much to say here, other than thank you @Undertaker_scythe for sending me your fanart ^^ I loved it <3 It inspired me to draw my own chibi picture, which is the one I've linked to this chapter... I hope. It took me ages to draw but I'm happy with it :3

Anyhoozles, I'm gonna go now :3

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"So what am I supposed to do?!" I whine as I observe Rin tugging on his school blazer before he moves on to knotting his tie, which he does pretty damn well, may I add. I can barely get it right without screwing up at least once in the morning, despite wearing one each day for work. Perhaps I'm just crap at general life skills. However, I'm not really too focused on that train of thought right now; I'm too busy opposing the fact that Rin's abandoning me for the day to go to freaking school. I would, but since I only showed up last night, I haven't been able to enroll. And there's the fact of my age as well. There's no way I'd get into True Cross unless I lied, which is what I think Rin plans to have me do later on today when the school day ends. Until then, I have absolutely nothing to do with him gone!

"I dunno. Chill out in the dorm with Kuro or something," Rin suggests with a shrug, making my eyebrow twitch a little out of anger because he sounds as if he couldn't give less of a shit. Despite being completely and utterly in love with him, he does have a bad habit of pissing me off from time to time. "Don't look at me like that! I can't plan your day for you," Rin suddenly hisses, encouraging an agitated sigh out of me as I flop back on the bed, still clothed in only my black tee, which drowns my torso to hide my boxers. However, when I lie down, I stretch my arms over my head, exposing the lower half of my abdomen, which starts to tingle when it's hit with the cold, morning air.

"You're so unhelpful," I murmur with a pout, staring up at the ceiling overhead whilst I let out another huff of breath, Rin sitting himself down next to me so that he can curl my hand in his, sending spikes of warmth shooting up my arm.

"I'm only gonna be gone for a few hours. It's not the end of the world," he murmurs with a light chuckle, my eyes flickering in his direction so that I can meet his cobalt gaze, though I soon forward them so that they once again fall upon the area above. He's right and I hate it. I'm making out that this is a huge deal when, in reality, he's just going to school. I guess I just don't want him outta my sight because it seems that, every time he is, something goes horribly wrong and ends in blood.

Picking up on the anxiousness that swells within me the more I dwell on the thought, Rin leans down and peppers a few kisses on my cheek, gradually moving down until his lips are brushing against my neck in soft flutters that make me clutch his hand tighter. "Don't worry about me," Rin mutters softly, giving me one final kiss on my jaw before he pulls away again, releasing my hand so that he can get to his feet. I never realize how empty my fingers feel when they're not laced with his. It's easier said than done though; I'm seriously so worried that something bad's gonna happen to him just because I couldn't bear to lose him. That might sound drastic, but I can't help it. I need Rin, more than I've ever needed anyone. He's the only one that can make me smile and mean it.

"Alright," I breathe reluctantly, watching as Rin smiles gently before pecking one final kiss on my lips, an instant craving for more igniting within me as I watch him leave for school, waving me goodbye with a small smile. I'm sure he'll be fine. At least... I hope he will be.

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