Chapter Twenty-Nine: Radioactive

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As promised... Double update

But you might not be thanking me after what happens... And I think you can probably tell that there's gonna be hella feels in it already...

Sorry but plot ;~; 

I'm just gonna say two things

1. Don't kill me

2. I nearly cried writing this so don't be ashamed if you do cry

Enjoy the chapter ^^ (goes off to cry in a corner)

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"Alright. Yeah, that's fine. I'll be right there," Kaneki mutters down the phone to Shima, who's most likely giving him the news that he, Izumo and Shiemi have managed to reach Tokyo safely, softly ending the call and slipping his phone into his pocket. "Will you be alright here with Touka whilst I go get them? I don't want you being in danger and there could be exorcists out there," he murmurs, gently cupping the hand that I don't have clasped around a cup of coffee, my head gradually bobbing into a nod, though that doesn't seem to settle the worry in his eyes. After what happened earlier, I bet there's no way he wants to leave me on my own. In order to reassure him, I cup the back of his neck in my palm, pulling him down for a quick kiss before I lock my gaze with his.

"I'll be fine. Go get them," I mutter, Kaneki's nervous eyes flickering in Touka's direction, knowing that me and her aren't exactly the best of friends. I guess I can understand why he's so nervous about going it alone knowing that me and her are gonna be left in one room that's filled with a lot of breakable china. Hey... As long as she doesn't start anything with me, then maybe everything will be in once piece by the time he gets back.

"Alright. I won't be long," Kaneki assures me, planting a firm kiss on my forehead before pulling away, that nervous look never abandoning his irises as he makes his way towards the exit of the shop, one final glance being cast towards the two of us. "Behave!" He commands, narrowing his eyes into a slight glower before finally leaving the shop, my body instantly losing tension as I flop back into the chair with a loud sigh.

"So... You must've really fucked up to have your brother point a gun at your face," Touka states with a chuckle, running her hand through her hair as she lands into the seat opposite me, trying to meet my eyes, though I keep them away from her; she knows I don't like her and that she doesn't like me. So why the heck is she even trying to make conversation? "I know how it feels, you know. To have your brother turn on you," she suddenly mutters, my eyes widening a little as I actually allow myself to stare at her, a dismayed look flickering onto her features whilst she sadly smiles, as though there are fond memories there that have been tainted by sadness over the years.

"How come?" I inquire, a slightly startled look flooding into her irises when her gaze snaps up to meet mine, though they quickly soften again whilst she brushes a strand of indigo hair away from her eyes. Cupping her own mug in her palm, she brings it to her lips, taking a steady sip before placing it down again with a small sigh. I never imagined that Touka, of all people, would have many troubles given how tough she seems on the exterior.

"I have a brother. Ayato. When we were younger, we got along well. Until he took off out of the blue. He just abandoned us. Abandoned me. Now he hates me and tries to kill me whenever we meet. So trust me, I can empathize," she explains, my eyebrows rising a little at her story as I gulp down another mouthful of coffee, though I can't help but feel a slice of guilt twist through me when I see the clear pain that this brings to her, even if she's too 'tough' to show it.

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