Chapter Sixteen: Who We Are

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I have an unhealthy urge to cuddle Yoichi... Ngl

Sorry, Owari No Seraph has taken up my day today since I have no more of the manga to read (damn month-long updates ;-;) so I decided to take a break and do a little writing. And, obviously, I chose this story :D

And all the people who want Yukio and the others to show up


That'll make sense later I promise

So, anyhoozles, ima shut up and let you get on whilst I cry about not being able to hug a fictional character to death

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"Rin," a soft voice murmurs, quickly followed by a gentle prodding that flutters against my cheek, causing me to whimper a little as I curl up tighter, my hand ensnaring the fabric that lies in my palm. "Rin, wake up," it mutters soothingly again, this time earning a groan in response as opposed to something smaller since my body's determined to kick me out of slumber before I can get too much rest.

"Five more minutes," I whine, burying my face into my pillow, though I know that my pillow's actually a person, whose hand is weaving through my hair as he continues to lightly poke my face in an attempt to wake me up. However, when he chuckles, I feel his chest moving with the motion and know that there's no way I'm gonna get back to sleep now. He knows I'm awake.

"Nice try. But it's sunset, Rin. You slept all day," Kaneki giggles, my eyes quickly flying open when I realize what he's saying. Is he being serious?! Did I honestly just randomly crash during our date? Oh crap, now I feel like a total jackass! We were having so much fun as well, so I don't get how I managed to freaking fall asleep!

"How did that happen?" I ask groggily, my voice being deepened by sleep's ever-present claws, which are desperately trying to drag me back down into its depths. But they stop the second Kaneki places a tiny kiss on my lips, causing my eyes to widen as a blush simultaneously blossoms across my cheeks. Damn, why do I always act all shy when he kisses me?

"We were trying to dry off in the sun and you fell asleep on my chest," Kaneki explains, causing my face to dive into a darker shade of salmon, my eyes flickering away from his whilst I bite down on my lip, feeling like an absolute wimp for blushing at such a thing. But I can't help it; apparently, I'm more awkward when it comes to relationship stuff than I first thought. Even still, I feel terrible. I mean, we came here for a date and I ended up falling asleep on him!

"Jeez, some boyfriend I am," I mumble under my breath, gradually locking my gaze with Kaneki's again, though his eyes are slightly widened with a blush similar to my own creeping onto his cheeks. He looks completely lost for words... Which is a first. "What?" I ask, confused as to why he's looking at me as if I've just told him something extremely shocking and he has no idea how to react to it.

"Y-You said boyfriend," he says in the most sheepish tone I think I've ever heard from him, a shyness that he barely presents to me starting to take over his actions, his eyes fluttering to the left so that he doesn't have to meet my gaze. Smiling softly, I reach for one of his hands, tilting my head to the side before I press my lips to his, though it's only for a few seconds so that I can get his attention again. And, when his silver orbs fixate on me again, I sneak a smirk onto the corner of my mouth.

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