Chapter Twenty-Six: Uneven Odds

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Right... So I'm putting in a smut warning later in the chapter just to let y'all know (even though idk if a hand-job qualifies as smut) so yeah... Sensitive readers or anyone with parents in the room may want to either ignore that part of the chapter or leave the room x'D

With that said...

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



Knowing that there's no hope of me calming down before Kaneki reaches us, after exchanging a terrified look with Yukio, I bolt from the room in any direction that leads away from Kaneki's voice, pants being ripped from my lungs whilst my pulse boosts into overdrive, preventing me from putting my damn flames out. Shit! Why now, of all times, do they have to disobey my commands?! I don't really care where I end up; as long as I flee to a place in which I can settle my heartbeat and get everything under control again. I'm not ready for Kaneki to find out. I don't ever want him to! I can't blow it now; I don't want him to push me away. I can't lose him!

Eventually, I round a corner, my eyes desperately searching for anywhere to conceal myself, soon falling upon a me-sized crevice in the wall that I should be able to curl up in for a few minutes, hopefully out of sight so that I can extinguish these dame flames! Darting into the small area, I hug my knees my my chest, trying to keep my tears from falling as I suck in steady breaths, my eyes closed so that I can soothe my racing brain. I just need to stop thinking, which shouldn't be a problem for me. So I try, allowing my mind to go blank, focusing only on my breathing to ensure that it's drawn out enough to slow my heart.

Just when I begin to feel the powerful throbbing that is created whenever my flames are free starting to ebb away, I allow myself to crack my eyes open ever so slightly, though I'm met with a sight that instantly causes my pulse to rocket again, the azure fire growing viciously around me once more.

"Rin...?" Kaneki breathes, his eyes wide with an emotion that I find myself unable to place, though his silver irises tremble with what is clearly fear as I stare up at him, my stomach crumpling into one massive knot that threatens to choke me. "Y-You're... You're a... A demon?" He croaks, that confirmation causing him to take a few steps away from me, though his gaze doesn't break from my flames, which flicker as a reflection in his eyes. He's scared of me. He's... He's scared of me.

"Kaneki-" I start, though I have no clue how to finish, gradually getting to my feet, though my knees tremble as I do, clearly weak since the thought of him abandoning me because of what I am takes possession of my mind, sending me into all kinds of panic. He has to understand why I didn't tell him. He needs to know that I'm not dangerous! Ever so gently, I reach my hand out to him, hoping that he'll take it and tell me that he understands. That he's not gonna reject me But, instead, he smacks it away from him, staggering back a little more as a harsh breath hitches in my throat, the sting of the slap racing up my arm.

"Those flames... They belong to Satan," he somewhat hisses, my heart cracking when I see something flicker through his irises for a split second, a sob choking from me. Just then, I swear I saw hatred. Out of everything we could've studied in detention, he had to look up the Blue Night. He had to read about the event that constructs the worst possible image of the powers I hold.

"Kaneki... Just... Let me explain. I-"

"-Explain what, Rin?! That you're the fucking son of Satan and you never even mentioned it?! You... You lied to me! After I told you everything about me. After I trusted you with every single secret I hold. And you were just keeping a plethora of your own this whole time," he whimpers, tears beading in his furious eyes, his kakugan flaring viciously whilst his hands curl up into fists to the point where his knuckles turn ivory.

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