Chapter Ten: Weapon

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So my friend abandoned me today (@Beriadan23 I'm glaring at you) so I had nothing better to do, apart from feel sorry for myself, so I got this chapter written :P I apologize if it's not great (though I'm hoping it's alright) since I'm feeling super run down. I'm not gonna go into detail, but I just feel terrible D:

But you didn't come here to hear me rant! So, ima shut up and let you read on x'D

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



I still can't help but shudder every time I think of that purple pervert, tipping the contents of the trash can into the dumpster out back, trying to get my mind off of the freak that goes around sniffing people. There's no way he can be human; the way that Kaneki spoke about him, saying that he was dangerous, means that there's no chance that he's going to just be some random customer. I'm going to have to do exactly what Kaneki says to avoid meeting with that guy again.

Sighing, I flick the lid of the dumpster down again, rubbing the base of my neck, wincing as I allow my fingers to roll into the skin, releasing the pent up tension that's trapped there. However, the second I turn around, all of it surfaces again, my blood chilling to the point where I freeze on the spot. Why?! Of all places, why here, where I can't really escape unless I want to risk making an absolute fool out of myself?

"Good morning, Rin-kun," Tsukiyama giggles, stepping out of the shadows so that I'm able to see his form in full, his body towering over mine by a good few inches, meaning that I have to look up if I want to glare at his eyes properly. However, I can't bring myself to even do that; the fear of whatever the perverted asshole has in mind to do with me keeps me rooted.

"Leave me alone, pervert," I hiss in response, Tsukiyama seeming to actually flinch, as if my words have hit him with a bigger force than intended, a discontented sigh huffing from his lips as he smooths over his hair, my limbs gradually gaining warmth again. Enough so that I can actually start trying to get away from him, turning my back so that I can attempt to make a run for it, using the element of surprise as my escape mechanism.

"Such cruel words to use against someone who knows what you really are... Demon." The second that word leaves his lips, I feel every single one of my muscles go rigid, quickly whirling around to face his smirking features that look far too sweet. It's almost bitter. How the fuck does he even know about that?! I don't understand; I've told nobody here in Tokyo about me being a demon. Not even Kaneki knows! So how the heck did this perverted freak manage to figure it out?!


"-Your scent. It's truly an enchanting aroma that holds a mystery I certainly can't help but admire," he chimes flamboyantly, opening out his arms as if he's not just speaking to me, but also the sky and the clouds that lazily dot it, a frown fixing itself over my eyebrows. Maybe I can just play this off as I usually do in situations like this, though I've never been in one quite as warped and distorted.

"Because that's not creepy in any way!" I retort, backing away from Tsukiyama a little, though he takes a step forward every time I edge backwards, making sure that the distance between us never lessens. Then, he puts a finger to his lips, as if in thought, tilting his head to the side with a small smile that sends lashes of ice down my spine.

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