Chapter Twenty-Two: Breakeven

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Don't hate me

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"Don't you think that was a little harsh with Shima earlier?" Kaneki inquires, wrapping his arms around my bare torso, staring at our reflection in the mirror as I lazily brush my teeth in preparation for bed. I swear, he loves to cling to me no matter what I'm doing, though I can't deny that I absolutely love the feeling of his arms around me. It's kinda like being cuddled by a hot-water bottle. When I shrug, he buries his features into my shoulder, placing a soft kiss on my neck whilst he runs his thumb over my stomach, slipping over each individual muscle that rests there. Not trying to sound big-headed or anything, but I have some pretty fucking neat abs. What can I say? Hard work and determination will do that to you. But they've become extremely evident since I became a ghoul as I'm not eating anywhere near as much as I used to when I could snack on normal food. Whether that's a good thing or not, I'll never know.

Once I'm done with my teeth, taking extra time around my canines since they've started to ache a little recently, I slowly turn to face Kaneki, his hands resting on my hips whilst mine hook onto his shoulders, a smirk prickling my lips, which I gently place against his. However, when I pull back, he's frowning a little, assessing my form with his eyebrows furrowed. "You've gotten thin," he mutters with a pout, prompting me to scan over my body with my own eyes. I mean, sure, I've lost weight. But is it really that noticeable?

"I'm not trying to," I state with a small sigh, curling my finger around his chin so that he doesn't keep staring at me as if I have some kind of eating disorder (understatement of the century). Once his eyes fix on mine again, his silver irises shimmering with worry, I lean forward to press a small kiss on his cheek. "I'm fine, Kaneki. You don't have to worry about me," I ensure him, pulling him into a hug in order to comfort him since he's apparently got it in his head that this is a serious issue. It's just a little bit of weight loss.

"I know. But I'm your boyfriend. It's my job," Kaneki murmurs whilst we pull away, gradually making our way towards our room so that we can finally get our heads down for the night, the bottoms of my slacks dragging along the floor with a soft shuffling sound. Ever since I started sharing a bed with Kaneki, I've had to take the safer approach when it comes to hiding my tail. I mean, it could easily slip out of a pair of boxers, though that's difficult with slacks. It's worked so far so fingers crossed that winning streak holds.

"You're so overprotective," I chuckle lightly as I look at him from over my shoulder, watching as a playful pout quickly starts playing on his lips, causing me to giggle a little until he begins frowning in a way that I can't help but find both hilarious and absolutely adorable. Shaking my head, I stop and place a tiny kiss on his cheek before flopping down on the bed, patting the space beside me to encourage him to take a place there. However, he simply folds his arms sternly, glowering at me in a joking way that sends a smirk rippling across my lips. "I didn't say it was a bad thing," I add, his features instantly softening a little whilst he gives me a soft smack upside the head, both of us laughing under our breaths until he finally decides to follow my silent order and sit next to me.

Once he's sat down, I press my body into the mattress, tugging the covers up to my shoulder with a soft whine, desperate to get some sleep and just end this hectic day. If Cram School wasn't enough, I had to spend at least an hour trying to convince Mephisto to let Kaneki enroll in True Cross as long as he lied about how old he actually is. That took way too much sweet talking to get him to agree, yet he finally did and stated that Kaneki can start tomorrow.

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