Chapter Six: Battlefield

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Sorry... It's just I'm so close to the end of exams and the two I have left don't require any revision so I'M FREE!! You know what that means, right? More Go To Hell :D So yeah, here's the next chapter and I hope I can get Chapter Seven written soon :3

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX

(Also if you know the artist for Battlefield I will love you 5eva. It's a female singer and that's all I'm saying)



Kaneki and I end up spending the entire day at Anteiku until the sun begins to sink in the sky, causing it to burn a furious amber that spans over the city of Tokyo. There wasn't any way of me getting out of work with Touka; she forced me to wash up, wait tables and probably everything you could possibly do in a coffee shop. And Kaneki just sat around watching me, constantly smirking whenever I passed by him, which earned him several glares in just the space of one day.

Just as I stack the final chair on one of the tables, I find that I'm too distracted by the fact that I can already see a few stars glimmering in the sky to place it accurately, the piece of furniture slipping from my hands. Letting out a startled yelp, I go to catch it, though Kaneki beats me to it, his hand ensnaring the leg of the chair whilst his other holds onto my hip so that he doesn't topple forward with the motion. Shaking his head with a sigh, he sets it on the surface, hitting me around the head with his palm the second his hand's free, causing me to whine.

"What was that for?" I wail, rubbing my head with a pout as he pulls away from me, still scowling at me whilst I catch Touka smirking over his shoulder, something that causes me irritation.

"You always have your head in the clouds!" Kaneki retaliates, though the smirk that forms on his lips tells me that he didn't mean it in a hurtful way, my shoulders rolling into a shrug before I stretch out, yawning.

"Well it's nice up there," I state, Kaneki breathing a laugh whilst he shakes his head, giving me a gentle nudge with his elbow, me responding by digging my shoulder into his bicep, both of us laughing like immature kids. As we do, I notice that Touka's no longer looking how she usually does; instead of scowling at me or mocking me with a smug glance, she's simply smiling in a soft way that makes her features seem somewhat peaceful. That's new. However, that look soon vanishes when she notices that my gaze has fallen upon her, the glower that I'm already used to knitting back over her face.

"Alright, you two. This isn't a playground. Beat it," she growls, practically shoving Kaneki and I out of the shop, both of us complaining that we have our own legs and know our way out. Even still, she doesn't release us until we stumble onto the sidewalk, the golden splatters that the streetlamps throw down onto the concrete pooling around our feet. "See you tomorrow," she mutters, throwing us a quick smile before she softly pulls the door to a close, Kaneki and I looking like stranded puppies as we just stand there in silence, somewhat baffled. I mean, she just threw us out... Literally!

After a short period of silence, Kaneki sighs, stretching himself out with a tiny squeal that causes my teeth to burrow into my bottom lip; I can't help it. That was kinda cute. Shaking the thought from my head, I move closer to his side, my eyes flickering around the buildings that encompass us.

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