Chapter Twenty-Eight: You Are Enough

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BAM. That cliffhanger tho ;) And I had this chapter written instantly after the last one but I decided to hold it back because I'm eeeeeeeevil (maybe)

So ya, here's the next chapter and I'm updating earlier today because I've decided to do a double update tonight *yay* See! I'm not all that bad!

But this chapter might break your feels


Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"That's enough! Sorry, teach, but this is going too far!" Shima's voice protests, confirming that I'm still alive and breathing without a bullet in my head, my body gradually losing tension whilst I blink my eyes open again, Yukio's gun clattering to the ground as Shima holds what looks to be Bon's in his grip, the barrel steaming. However, there's no blood on my brother, only a dent in the handle of his pistol that was clearly made by Shima to shock Yukio into dropping his weapon.

"Shima!" Bon protests, his eyes swimming with disbelief as they flicker between me, Shima, Kaneki and Yukio before locking with the salmon-haired teen again, who has a look of no regret in his chocolate irises. I can't believe that Shima just saved my life. He's never gonna let me forget that one is he? However, Kaneki's kagune suddenly curling around me from behind snaps me out of my thoughts, cradling me in a protective shell whilst one of the four limbs smashes Yukio's gun, Kaneki's arms trembling against me as he holds me close to him.

"I'm sorry, Bon. But I'm not just gonna stand by and watch Okumura get his brains blown out by his own brother for no reason!" Shima argues, his voice no longer holding that tone of calm that all of us are used to; it's instead filled with a touch of fury combined with fear. Allowing his jaw to hang open, Bon steps forward, clamping Shima's shoulders in his grip so that he can stare at him with a solid gaze.

"You saw it yourself. He's a ghoul. He's a monster! And you're just gonna let him live?! He could kill all of us, Shima!"

"But he hasn't! I thought you'd learned to trust him! So what if he's a ghoul? So what if he's a demon! He's our friend, Bon! Or did you forget that?!" Shima cries, thrusting Bon away from him with hurt laced through his eyes, stumbling back a few steps closer to me, not allowing himself to relax at all. "I'm not gonna let you guys kill a friend. No way in hell," he tries to growl, though it comes out as more of a scared whimper, his hands visibly shaking, even from this distance.

"Sh-Shima's right! I'm sorry, Yuki, but this is going too far," Shiemi squeaks, taking a place by Shima's side, widening the barrier that they create between my brother and me, like they're protecting me from him as if he's the monster. I never thought anyone would ever have to form a shield against my twin. Does Yukio honestly hate me so much that other people have to get involved to stop him from killing me without a second's hesitation? Am I really that much of a monster in his eyes?

"I'm not exactly all for siding with someone who's willing to kill his brother," Izumo sighs so nonchalantly, it actually makes me want to laugh, though I know that now is definitely not the time since I'm too busy breaking up inside towards the fact that Yukio was so ready to end my life. He didn't even look sorry about it. All I saw was fear and anger and hatred all in one glance. It takes everything I have to hold back the tears.

"Kaneki. Take Okumura to the train station. Give us the head's up when you get to Tokyo and we'll meet you there," Shima commands (yes, commands), locking gazes with Kaneki over my shoulder, his K'rik gripped firmly in his palms. Nodding once, Kaneki hesitantly unwraps his kagune from around me, his hand slipping into mine, which he proceeds to lightly tug, encouraging me to move. However, before I do, I lock eyes with Yukio one final time, seeing the exact same mixture of emotions that he held when he readied himself to kill me only seconds ago.

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