Chapter Four: Tokyo

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So yeah, I literally wrote this the second I finished Chapter 3 x'D But I decided to leave it a day to upload it because, well, it's always nice to have a chapter on the side if you're behind on updates. And I'm not, but still :3

Anyhoo, I'll let you read >.< (Yes, Tokyo is a song by Owl City just to clarify)

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX

(The song linked just fits this chapter I think since it's more upbeat nd stuff. Also... Canalave City... Just hearing this song makes me cry nostalgic tears)


"Woah!" I gasp as I step out of the train station with Kaneki right by my side, my lips tugged up into an astounded smile as I allow my eyes flicker around the hundreds of building that tower around us, unable to contain my wonder. "You really live here?!" I exclaim, unable to believe that this is real; I've kinda always wanted to come to central Tokyo before but never really had the chance to do so. And damn, it's freaking amazing!

"Uh huh. Sure do! You get used to the size," Kaneki chuckles, seemingly unable to stop smirking a little bit every time he takes a look at my face, which is constantly turning in different directions to take everything in. I don't want to get used to it; this feeling of being completely surrounded by a concrete jungle honestly fills me with a sense of elation that I can't really describe. What can I say? I love the city. However, as we start walking to where we're to catch the bus to Kaneki's place, I suddenly stop, Kaneki shooting me confused glance as I do. "What's up?" He asks, following my silent command as I beckon him over with my finger. When he's beside me, I lean a little closer to him so that no-one will hear us.

"Does that mean you're a Tokyo ghoul?" I say, Kaneki giggling and rolling his eyes, pushing me away from him with a playful shove, encouraging laughter out of me as well. "What~? It's a genuine question!" I protest with a pretend pout, though a smile instantly breaks through it when Kaneki's features fall into a false unimpressed scowl as he shakes his head. Nibbling on my bottom lip, I take my place next to him as we start walking again.

After I ate, I kinda let myself start to focus on all the smaller things that I missed when my hunger was all I could think about. Like the way Kaneki's lips felt. Don't judge me! I'm not saying I enjoyed the kiss or anything; it wasn't even that. He was just forcing me to drink blood. There's a difference. I'm just saying that his lips are super soft is all! I dunno what's up with me; usually I'd never even think about making out with a guy. But, earlier, I just... Didn't want to pull away.

"Earth to Rin!" Kaneki's voice fades back into my consciousness, my eyes blinking a few times to snap myself out of my thoughts, only to find Kaneki staring at me with a frown on his face and a pout on his lips. Okay, I need to stop thinking about them.

"What?" I snap a little aggressively, though he doesn't seem to mind, pulling himself away and tilting his head to look upwards at the clouds, my eyebrows furrowing together. He's different, but not exactly in a bad way.

"Nothing. You just zoned out," he replies simply, still staring at the cerulean sky overhead, the sun shining proudly at its peak like a golden pendulum, teasing through any clouds that dare to float over it. Sighing to myself since he's being a bit of a hypocrite, I shove my hands in my pockets and keep my eyes forward. Well... Eye. Yeah, before we got on the train, Kaneki gave me his eye patch to hide what's apparently called a kakugan, which is when my eye goes all ghoulish. And I'm glad; whereas he knows how to control it and keep it hidden, I'm not so good at that yet. So, eye patch it is.

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