Chapter Eighteen: Here We Go Again

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CALLING ALL ARTISTS! So I would do this but I'm in no way talented enough so I'm calling out to you lovely peeps for this. I doubt people are gonna want to, but I would literally be so over the moon if people tried to draw fanart for this ship. I think it's a beautiful ship and the internet needs to know it! But it's up to you guys really. If you do decide that you want to try drawing some fanart though, you can email it to me at

I'd really appreciate it and would probably love you for the rest of my life

Anyhoozles, I'll shut up now and let you read :3

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"I'm freaking out, Kaneki. What if I lose it? What if I hurt someone? What if they find out about me being a ghoul? They'll hate me. They'll be terrified. I don't wanna lose them; they're my only family. Oh God this was a bad idea. Is it too late to go back?" I mutter rapidly, pacing around the empty train car whilst I run my hands through my hair, every single muscle in my body tight and tense, too scared to relax. I can't help but panic like crazy; there are so many possibilities and potential things that could go wrong if I let myself rejoin my brother and everyone else. It would only take hunger and an accident on a mission for me to snap. I could hurt someone way too easily. I don't want to. I don't want anyone to be harmed because I can't control myself properly yet.

Before I can take another step, Kaneki's arms wrap around me from behind, halting me in my frustrated pacing so that he can hold me close to him in a comforting grip, my mind settling itself a little. Seriously, I'd love to know how he does that; it's like his touch alone is enough to soothe me.

"Stop worrying. You're gonna be fine. I promise," Kaneki whispers into my ear before he places a gentle kiss on the tip of it, a shiver running through me whilst my cheeks flush pink. It would be nice if he didn't try to seduce me with his soft words and calm attitude when we're literally minutes away from True Cross. Oh what am I saying... He got to me a long time ago. However, despite his words, I can't allow these negative thoughts to uncoil from their tight knots in my brain, my eyes flickering down to look at the floor whilst the train car shudders a little.

"But it could happen. Admit it... You're worried about me losing it too," I mutter with a disheartened tone, Kaneki squeezing me a little tighter in the kind of consoling way that he's seemed to have mastered in the short time that we've been dating. Sighing, he rests his chin on my shoulder, his lips lightly brushing against my neck so that that area tingles eagerly.

"I'm not worried one bit," he murmurs, though I can't shake the thought that he's lying to me. If I were him, I'd be panicking as much as I am right now, especially after what he saw back there with that ghoul. I don't even remember attacking her. All I remember is hearing Kaneki's screams of pain and I blacked out, only to wake up again with the corpse of that girl dangling off of my kagune. I was lucky I didn't burst into flames then and there. That's seriously how close I was to completely snapping. And at the park? Heck, I would've killed those kids without a thought if Kaneki hadn't have reminded me of my morality. Even if he remains blind to it, there's no denying it. I'm becoming more of a monster than I've ever been in the past.

"My brother's gonna flip out," I groan, trying to find anything to change the conversation so that I don't have to dwell on the negativity that my brain apparently loves to roll around in just to scare the crap outta me. But it just switches to another daunting thought; Yukio's gonna kill me. I'll be surprised if he doesn't try to shoot me the second I walk off of the train! And then there's the fact that I have Kaneki with me. My boyfriend. Isn't that gonna be a fun one to explain?

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