Bonus: Support: Brotherly Concern (Ashe and Yuri)

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As he was about to return to Abyss, Yuri saw Ashe and a Knight of Seiros talking with each other.

"Of course." Ashe said. "But if anything would happen, warn anyone... be it Val, Catherine, Lady Rhea or anyone. I don't want to endanger them."

"I wish you and Miss Valeria good luck." The Knight of Seiros said. "And may the goddess guide you."

The Knight of Seiros left the room and just as Ashe was about to leave, Yuri approached him.

"What were you talking about?" The purple haired young man crossed his arms. "You had a very serious tone in your voice."

Ashe was very bad at lying and there was no way he could slip his way out if YURI was the one asking him.

"Val and I were tasked to investigate Gaspard territory..." He said. "We heard there was a conflict between the citizens and the Western Church... I was told it would be related to the rebellion done by Lonato and the death of Christophe..."

His voice was trembling when he mentioned the two events. Christophe was killed by the Knights of Seiros due to a rumored involvement at the Tragedy of Duscur and Lonato died saving him from a barrage of missles.

"You don't have to do this, Ashe." Yuri shook his head, concern shown in his voice and face. "Even if you have no choice, you can turn back if you want."

"I know, but I have to do it..." Ashe shook his head.

Yuri sighed. Although Ashe was willing to do his task, he was also insistent. The Ashen Wolf leader hugged the Blue Lion student.

Ashe was shocked that Yuri hugged him, despite the latter only showing his cunning personality.

"Stay safe, Ashe." The lilac haired young man said. "And if anything happens, I'll be the first to know."

"Yuri..." Ashe shook his head. "You usually are not... too concerned about those outside the Ashen Wolves or Abyss."

Silence occured. The atmosphere happening at night did not help the tense moment that was occuring.

"I'm to blame for what happened to Beles, Ashe." Yuri shook his head. "She got kidnapped because Aelfric was using me for his plan... I wanted to stop it, but Rene got to me when she was brainwashed... but I heard of how you got both her AND ME to safety so Aster and Linhardt could heal us. And not only that, you're like a little brother to me, White Dove."

Ashe was shocked when he heard 'little brother'.

"Yuri..." He said.

"I know I shouldn't go too deep on my worries." Yuri shook his head. "But I had this worry ever since you were thinking on how Lonato lost his life. Just... stay safe."

It would be a week since Yuri and Ashe talked. Ashe hadn't returned. Yuri was getting concerned. Suddenly, Catherine, Reme and Camila went to him.

"There you are." Camila said. "We were looking all over for you."

"What's the matter?" Yuri asked.

"The Western Church has abducted Ashe." Catherine scowled. "They ambushed him while he was scouting. He was going to visit Gaspard Castle to check on his siblings."

For Yuri, everything stopped. The Western Church had controlled House Gaspard and House Rowe for so long. Fear turned to rage.

"Yuri?" Rene went to check on Yuri.

"Warn Lady Rhea..." The Ashen Wolf leader hissed.

"Of course." Catherine nodded. "Warn the Blue Lions. They need to know."

"I'll go with you." Camila said.

Yuri couldn't refuse, so he went to the Blue Lion classroom with the Summoner behind him.

The Blue Lions were in the middle of a class session.

"Hey, you guys..." Yuri said. "Catherine wishes to have a word with you... it's regarding Ashe..."

"Is Ashe alright?" Sylvain asked.

Yuri frowned. Valeria knew it was a bad sign.


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